speed and endurance

Um… Leg extensions? Leg curls?
Really? Nope.

Look, if you are in season check out Coach H’s log at elitefts, Coach X’s log has a good offseason program.

I like coach H’s weekly template cuz I like the darkside (formerly WSB). His program follows the darkside and fits very well with Charlie Francis’ speed program.

BTW, If your legs are too dead after weights then you must be training them in the same session or with little time between. If they are the same session then I’d do speed first, then weights. If they are broken up then have at least 4 hours between workouts.

“I like to do leg extensions and leg curls because it mimics the motion that your leg travels when running, so I figure by making these excercises stronger so to will my running be.”

Also, The knee primarily flexes and extends while you are in flight, air.
The speed with which the knee flex’s and extends during running, airborne, is not the limiting factor. You can move your limbs fast enough to run a WR in the air. It’s the application of force to the ground that slows you down. This is also a problem with the overspeed idea (not you just a vent).

So to echo other sentiments, squats, lunges, Pulls (all kinds)

“For the training I have been running laps mixed with elliptical training for 30 mins twice a week after I train.”

This one’s been covered. Keep your running under 200m per sprint. For conditioning do tempo runs


“Then once a week after I train I run 20 yard shuttle sprints until I literally can’t do another one.”

Do agility work fairly fresh and work on quality. The greatest recievers in the game were never the fastest (Monk, Rice, Brown etc…) They ran great, clean routs. Actually, the fastest receivers on any team are seldomly the stars. Work on making sharp cuts more than speed or conditioning for agility. The cuts will give you the few feet of separation you need.

“On saturday do agility training, ball handling excercises, and two 300 yard shuttles to end practice.”

Cant help practice.

Also why only one speed session. If speed is a goal, and it should be, then you need more frequency (atleast 2x/wk) and, just a guess here, less volume. Speed work is done with complete recovery. You can’t get fast running slow.

How old are you? What level do you play at?

And don’t listen to that 30g nonsense.

The reason leg curls are rubbish for increasing speed is because the hamstrings do more than just flex the knee, they also extend the hips and this is far more important to running and jumping.
The flexing action at the knee joint is only really important for the recovery phase in running, whilst hip extension is what generates most of the force for running fast. Also hip extension involves the glutes and lower back as well and the best exercises are ones that train this posterior chain as they work in running. The best exercises for this are reverse hypers, box squats, good mornings and glute-ham raises. The one that place the most emphasis on increasing ham strength is the GHR, it works both hip extension and knee flexion.

Again for similar reasons leg extensions are pretty rubbish cause they only work at the knee joint. As you run you extend the knee and flex the hip in a coordinated movement pattern. This is best trained with squats. Plus strength in the posterior chain is more important for running and jumping performance.

Also compound movements tax the core musculature to stabilise the body during dynamic movement and increase power.

that’s a well throught-out and well written post. Thanks for stating the case so concisely.

Well I have joined the holy temple of the posterior kinetic chain thanks to CT, WSB, Ian King e.t.c. and now been fully brainwashed.

So how does this look for leg day now:

good mornings
calf raises

How many sets should I be doing, should I keep it at four or only do three per excercise. Also for legs what rep range should I be looking for during the season? Thanks again.

bench press
db bench press

db rows
barbell rows
sprint work


good mornings
leg extensions
leg curls
standing calf raise

military press
high pulls
hammer curls
elliptical 15 min/ running laps 15 min

football practice, agility drills, ball handling, sprints, etc.


I do four sets of the excercises mentioned above usually in the 6-8 rep range, but now am going higher reps 12 for a few weeks to change things up. When training during the seasons should you go for lower reps with more weight or higher reps with less weight?

looking at your workout, besides what people said about deads and your leg curls being in there i think youre doing waaaay too much upperbody stuff in comparison to your lowerbody work. The db and barbell work for your rows and bench is wasting time. if you have muscle imbalances focus on dbs for a few weeks, or alternate dbs one week and barbells the next. i would also cut the shrugs and the hammer curls because they are not going to contribute much to your game. Keep it simple, rows, bench, press, pull ups/chinups for your upper body, and deads, squats, lunges for your lower body. I would also recommend adding in power cleans or snatch to go with the high pull movement youre doing. Honestly one day of “football” stuff is too little… thats the biggest mistake i see high schoolers make, warm up with some route running, do some agility drills and then jump into your workout. afterwards work on a particular skill you want to enhance, catching, a few plays, etc…

How old are you?

I’m 21 playing in an intermural football league, this is my first time training essnetially for football so thanks for the help.