Sore Tendons

Hey Guys,
I just got back from a chest and back workout and the tendons in my biceps are really sore. They get sore early in the workout making it hard to get through the whole workout. They used to get sore when I was wrestling but since I stopped they have been fine, up until last week.

They first got sore on a chest and back day, then they were fine by the next day and i did my leg workout. I was getting sick so i took 2 days off and then did my shoulder and arms day which made them quite sore. The next day was my rest day but we ended up going rock climbing for a couple hours which made them really sore. This morning they felt fine so i worked out but they got sore early and are still in a lot of pain.

My diet is good, i eat 5-6 times a day, 30-40g protein each meal. under 100g carbs a day from fruits and vegetables. I don’t use a post workout recovery drink, just protein. I supplement with BCAAs (only about 6g per workout), fish oil, multi vitamin, and a ZMA.

Im currently on a strength cycle that should last for 18 workouts ( each workout 6 times) and am two thirds of the way through. If anyone has any idea what this could be or what i could do to fix it I’d really appreciate it as I’m in quite a lot of pain.
Thanks Again,

Cryotherapy works good for me. Always did, always will, I guess.

Just get yourself a big pack of frozen peas and ice the sore muscles/tendons/ligaments.

Be sure to lay a thin cloth or a paper tissue between the ice and your bodypart to be iced.

10 - 20 min should work fine.

Yea I did that last night. It makes the pain go away but as soon as i lift again it comes right back. Im looking for a more permanent solution.

Sounds like Tendonitis (inflammation of tendons usually caused by overuse) I used to get this in my elbow and sometimes shouder during baseball season. Ice and rest works best. I know you probably don’t want to, but I’d recommend taking a week off from lifting. During this time Ice on occasion and get plenty of rest while following your diet. If the pain does not go away after this then the next step is to see a doctor.


[quote]Troyappleton wrote:
Yea I did that last night. It makes the pain go away but as soon as i lift again it comes right back. Im looking for a more permanent solution.

Me too. I am using a neoprene elbow sleeve and it helps but it doesn’t make the problem go away.

Hey guys, Thanks for all the advice. I was reading about Active Release Therapy (ART) and i think it may be applicable here( its used to treat soft tissue injuries that are caused from overuse). I know a guy who does ART so i might give that a shot.