Someone HELP!!!

It’s been a while since I’ve been on here and I need some help.

I used to lift. I was never the leanest or fittest but I was happy with my strength and I enjoyed training. Then between a few personal issues, an injury and then some life sucking jobs I have fallen out of training for a few years.

Things are now beginning to ache or down right hurt. I look like shit and my strength is piss poor. In short I am a total mess. Then the other day I decided to give myself the once over. I was shocked, disgusted and frankly a little scared! The stats went as follows:-

6’2" tall
38% BF!!!
BMI 32 (obese!!)
BP 122/80
Resting HR 92 BPM!!

The only thing right with those numbers is my BP and that won’t be fat behind the rest if I don’t start doing something right now. The trouble is I am so far gone that I have no idea where to start. My strength, fitness, flexibility, mobility, agility and body fat ALL need work. I know some things cross over to other issues I have and I’ll get a lot of “start anywhere” or “do something” but I like to have a plan of attack.

I have no issue training 7 days a week to achieve what needs to be achieved but will that be too much? When do I work on what? how long? how many times a day?

I have no gym due to money and food is slightly restricted. I feel lost guys, help a fella out.


Control and clean up your diet to lose weight. At the same time, sort out your life problems and finances before anything else. Shit happens. This will not be solved in the gym.

I’m upping my Lean protein and green veg intake. Life problems are sorted, or at least as sorted as anyone’s can get. Finances can be an issue but I own a Kettlebell and some bands, The pavement is free to use and I can afford a chin up bar. I just need some idea of where to start and how to program my training.

[quote]Master Yoda wrote:
It’s been a while since I’ve been on here and I need some help.

I used to lift. I was never the leanest or fittest but I was happy with my strength and I enjoyed training. Then between a few personal issues, an injury and then some life sucking jobs I have fallen out of training for a few years.

Things are now beginning to ache or down right hurt. I look like shit and my strength is piss poor. In short I am a total mess. Then the other day I decided to give myself the once over. I was shocked, disgusted and frankly a little scared! The stats went as follows:-

6’2" tall
38% BF!!!
BMI 32 (obese!!)
BP 122/80
Resting HR 92 BPM!!

The only thing right with those numbers is my BP and that won’t be fat behind the rest if I don’t start doing something right now. The trouble is I am so far gone that I have no idea where to start. My strength, fitness, flexibility, mobility, agility and body fat ALL need work. I know some things cross over to other issues I have and I’ll get a lot of “start anywhere” or “do something” but I like to have a plan of attack. I have no issue training 7 days a week to achieve what needs to be achieved but will that be too much? When do I work on what? how long? how many times a day?

I have no gym due to money and food is slightly restricted. I feel lost guys, help a fella out.

Dave [/quote]

If I was in your situation I would attack the most important one first. You’re a fat ass. That can lead to a shorter, shittier life so priority #1 is reducing bodyfat.

No gym and restricted food makes things a little harder, but you can still do it.

100 pushups, 50 pull-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats every day. Make a 50lb sand bag or something to add weight for squats. Start by hugging it on squats and building up to overhead squats with it. If you have to do these exercises 3 different times a day to hit those #s then do them 3 times a day. Every other day do 5 100yd sprints (or as close to sprint you can do).

Eat 3 squares a day.

Ready, set, go!

[quote]mbdix wrote:

If I was in your situation I would attack the most important one first. You’re a fat ass. That can lead to a shorter, shittier life so priority #1 is reducing bodyfat.

No gym and restricted food makes things a little harder, but you can still do it.

100 pushups, 50 pull-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats every day. Make a 50lb sand bag or something to add weight for squats. Start by hugging it on squats and building up to overhead squats with it. If you have to do these exercises 3 different times a day to hit those #s then do them 3 times a day. Every other day do 5 100yd sprints (or as close to sprint you can do).

Eat 3 squares a day.

Ready, set, go!

Now that’s what I’m talking about. Thanks man. I just need a kick up the arse to get me moving in the right direction.

No problem man.

As a former fat ass myself who lost 155 pounds here is what I did.

First I ate pretty much nothing but meat and vegetables. Didn’t worry about grass fed, organic or anything else. Just meat and veggies.

Twice a week I would either run hill sprints or do sprints on a recumbent bike I bought from my sister inlaw for 50 bucks. When I say sprints I don’t mean intervals I mean all out 100% intensity SPRINTS. It sucked balls for the first couple of months but got better.(Okay it still sucks balls).

Twice a week I would do the Body By Science Big 5 workout at the gym. Yes I have since moved on from this but I believe it is a great program for someone trying to “get into shape” or even great long term for the person that just wants to stay fit and have some strength to go a long with it.

I would have a cheat meal once a month or so and I might have missed one workout in a year. I did track all of my workouts but did not keep a food log. I weighed myself regularly and would set short term goals to keep me motivated which I think is the most important thing. You have to have those short term goals or you will feel like you will never get there.

Whatever situation you’re in, you have likely put yourself there. No sad stories, please… Grab yourself by the balls bite down and handle your business get your shit in order and handle it. This is your time to shine what you waiting on? You already know how to lose the weight, you don’t need our help with that you’re eating like shit and not using your body… You already have everything you need. I have a friend who lost over 100 lbs in 2014 and she did nothing but walking every day. Its just that she did it every day. when you become obsessed with getting out of this situation, you will find it is actually very easy to change it.

If you own a kettlebell, perhaps consider Dan John’s 10,000 swings program (available on this site) or any of Pavel Tsatsouline’s Simple and Sinister routines.

Ok man. Just doing push-ups and pull-ups every day will do massive good.

I would not embark on any running for cardio before you lose weight.

So, in my opinion these should be your priorities:

  1. Get your diet in order - Eat very simply and eat the same foods repetitively. Weigh yourself every morning when you get up. You will know immediately what is working and what is not.
  2. Flexibility - Try to touch your toes. Do weightless squats…and any other simple, basic motion that is full range for the joints.
  3. Strength - push-ups. Pull-ups. Do goblet squats with weight. Do something that resembles a deadlift. These four exercises will make you strong for sure.

There you go. Time to rally.

Oh believe me I’m going to handle my business. I’m too late for this summer but by next summer I intend on being an Adonis! I have just got back from a brisk 3 mile walk. Meat and veggies, walking and lifting things. I want this so bad now. You’re right, I kinda have put myself here. I could have done better. I owe it to myself to be better. thanks guys.

Fuck ya! that’s what I’m talking about.

I like your attitude. Get fired the fuck up, set the excuses aside and start getting it done. I’m in the same boat dude.

I am unsure just how broke you are at the moment, but I would recommend scouring craigslist for used equipment (I think they have that or something like it in the UK, right?). I managed to pick up a very nice setup with a squat rack, oly bar and 305 lbs of plates plus a bunch of other great stuff for $75 USD. If you don’t have the space for such a setup, there’s still tons of other stuff on there practically being given away if you look hard enough.

Good luck!

I agree with everyone else here. Diet is 90% of what you need to do, walking is the other 10%. Try to walk 3+ miles every day.

As for diet, as others have said, keep it simple. Meat (and lots of seafood) and veggies are a good start. Sweet potatoes, white rice, etc are good carb sources. Don’t eat ANYTHING that comes in a box. Do not ever snack, and don’t justify a snack because you walked 4 miles instead of your usual 3.

And I’d recommend giving up the sauce for a while. It usually is a trigger food (well, drink) which makes it hard to stick to your diet and keep your motivation up.


I’ll have a look and see what I can find online in the way of kit. I need to keep it minimal due to space! :smiley:

Food will be the hardest part. I love the junk, but not what it’s doing to my body! And the drinking thing is easy as I don’t drink at all. so that’s a bonus I guess!