So Who's Strong on Here?

[quote]GluteusGigantis wrote:
So, who can run a 7 minute mile strong-guys? Otherwise you may not meet all the strength criteria above.[/quote]

It indicates a certain level of fitness, without focusing on fitness. In my, yes my opinion, if you can’t run a 7 minute mile you need to re-prioritize your goals. And for reference, I weight between 255-260 and can do that with ease. I respect other peoples opinion if they disagree, but that’s why I made the thread, to see who does fit my mold. However with all the babbling and insults, I feel my point has been lost. Sigh.

WTF? I doubt most of the guys on the Mr. O stage can run a 7 minute mile…so they should all re-evaluate their goals?

You are also tall as hell. And, just so you know, at 250, it isn’t like you may not experience problems in the long run from running when it comes to joint issues. My knees were fucked in the military from that…so sorry, no running. I guess I need to “re-evaluate”.

Also, 225 on a bench press is NOT “intermediate”. If you aren’t hitting that within a couple of years of serious training, you may not be cut out for this. I doubt someone that takes more than half a decade to hit that weight will ever come very close to 405 and above.

I think your idea of strength is retarded. Besides the fact that 315 squat/deadlift for 10 isn’t anything big, your concept that all powerlifters are in poor health is moronic at best. There are some people that just aren’t ever going to be decent runners yet may be much better at other activities.

I surpass all the “top level” requirements. Does that mean I should stop?? If those are standards to aspire to, then you need to start dreaming bigger.

my sole concern is strength to the detriment of my health. ironically though, i can run a 6 minute mile.

You are not strong and you can’t spell. Please reevaluate.

Way to lower the bar, Bron@n.

[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
my sole concern is strength to the detriment of my health. [/quote]

He may have a point here, MM. You don’t want to get TOO strong because you could be brushing your teeth one day and punch your jaw out.

Worse, you could be wiping your ass and accidentally rip your anus off.

Don’t even THINK about jacking off, Strongman.

Dumbest thread ever for so many reasons.

#1) Those lifts aren’t strong. I wouldn’t even consider a 225x10 bench intermediate. Same goes for the other lifts. The goal should be to obtain those lifts within a year or 18 months depending on how strong you are when you start.

#2) How fast you run a mile has nothing to do with strength in the context of a bodybuilding site. Shit, even vertical jump and 40 times would’ve been a little closer but still off the mark. Why you chose mile times is beyond comprehension.

#3) Your comment on injuries shows ignorance. So if I have an injury that prevents me from deadlifting, I should focus all my rehab and efforts to be able to deadlift? Yeah, I’ll think I’ll pass on that an substitute exercises that don’t re-injure my lower back.

[quote]SteelyD wrote:

[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
my sole concern is strength to the detriment of my health. [/quote]

Don’t even THINK about jacking off, Strongman.[/quote]

Talk about mind muscle connection…

[quote]SteelyD wrote:

You are not strong and you can’t spell. Please reevaluate.


Oh no, you didn’t.
Maybe OP’s dyslectic, so, to OP in OP’s own words: in 4000 BC you either rehabbed or we put you down.

Btw, malaka: hair gel or olive oil?

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
And I don’t think prehistoric man ‘rehabbed’ either.

He/she either recovered or rotted.


Yeam but back then they woulda just visited BBBB.C (BushidoBadBoy B.C) for a quick fix.

IMO unless you can squat 200lbs, while dancing the cha-cha…you are NOT strong

and I don’t care whose you are

[quote]FattyFat wrote:

Btw, malaka: hair gel or olive oil?

neither sir. Thats hair TRUE Greek hair should look.

[quote]Con@n wrote:
but your sole concern is not strength - to the detriment of your health i.e. powerlifters.

I’m top level


This is just spectacular.

I must say, it doesn’t take much to be “top level” these days.

Who keeps dropping the bar on “average”? Soon, breathing and blinking on your own will make you “intermediate”.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
And I don’t think prehistoric man ‘rehabbed’ either.

He/she either recovered or rotted.


Well you bunch sure like to explore the minutia.

So what, you just pulled that out of your ass to disagree?

rehabilitation - to restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like.

recovery - restoration or return to any former and better state or condition.

I believe they are also synonyms, but what do I know.


So by these standards, the steps to be elite :

-Hit puberty
-Don’t be a pussy
-Go to the gym for a few months
Et voila.

Most weekend warriors are capable to meet these “standards”.


i think akuma would look quite different from a ‘demigod’ after trying to hit a 7min mile

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:

i think akuma would look quite different from a ‘demigod’ after trying to hit a 7min mile[/quote]

Having a rib through the lung and decreasing one’s lung capacity greatly will have an affect on one’s desire to run. SO yea, i cant run a 7min mile. You get a gold star, ya dick.

Ah, the tough e-luv in here.

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