So I'm Starting Boxing

So i went today. Was pretty fun. There is a tournament of sorts this saturday so the coaches were somewhat occupied. However they gave me a few points that i thought were good.
One of them was the fact that i don’t look where i punch, which i should. Trying to see everything i usually stare at the chest. It seems i was always aiming for the chest and not for the head.
That’ s a habit from karate for sure.

It was mostly self training. Did some shadow boxing and stuff.
Was pretty fun I’m definitely going back.

How is the boxing going? I’m going for an intro lesson next week.

[quote]tjr-dk wrote:
How is the boxing going? I’m going for an intro lesson next week.[/quote]

Practically non existent now.
Engineering students get raped with homework and exams :stuck_out_tongue:

I went back to montreal for the winter break (xmas, etc) after exams and my kyokushin buddies (i did kyokushin for a while) invited me for some training at the dojo.
It was just a couple of us (a few of them have been to japan and russia to fight in world tournaments).
My stance was different. They even commented and laughed about it.
So if you do another martial art or whatever, it can fuck up your style.
Ironically they said they had a hard time throwing punches to my body, but i leaned too forward and i kept my hands too forward as opposed to the usual karate stance which has the hands up and somewhat at the sides and chest and stomach somewhat open.
If it would have been more serious i would have been eating kicks left and right.

Boxing is definitely fun and i’d love to more. The gym i was going to was mostly do your own shit.
There is a buzzer on the wall and it beeps every 3 minutes and then 30 seconds of break.
The instructors there will help you with your technique and light sparring occurs but it’s really more of a “do your own shit”.
Mind you i wasn’t registered for fights so maybe the training would have been slightly more focused towards me.

It’s definitely fun though :slight_smile:

I started boxing early last year. It’s an awesome sport. Takes much more skill than I ever could have imagined. A coach is key.

boxed ammy in high school.

find a good coach.

learn defense first. seriously. and having a proper stance is crucial as well

shadowbox a TON. I really cant emphasize this enough, I really believe nothing improves you like shadowboxing. I dont shadowbox full speed usually, i go about 50-70% and really really focus on integrating offense defense, head movement footwork etc. The fluidity you gain from this will far surpass trying to shortcut your way to tyson power.

do alot of aerobic work. Yes some will hate on me for this. It doesnt have to be running, for my aerobic work i shadowbox and jumprope in 10-20 min sets for 1-2 hours. Great way to add skill training to conditioning. But you need a HR monitor to do that effectively.