Snatch Swinger

I just read an article here by Wil Fleming about the 6 most common snatch mistakes and I believe I’m a swinger. The problem is, in the article he only states to focus on achieving a vertical finish to the bar.

I don’t quite understand how I’m suppose to do that. Do you guys know any drills or technique cues that might help?

I’m training the lifts since January
BW : 69
S : 80
CJ : 95

Thanks y’all

a video would probably help!

Try feeling like you’re pushing the ground away from you and then feel like the bar is pulling your shirt up.

Too much is dependent on how you perform the lift to say any really useful general tips, but a few things that could be wrong are:

Balance is too far back on your heels during the lift

You don’t shrug and/or you don’t extend enough in the final pull, i.e. cutting it short

Your chest is down during the lift, meaning you have to swing to get your chest up.

I’ve finally been able to get a video.


Sorry for the terrible quality

[quote]AlexDD wrote:
I’ve finally been able to get a video.


Sorry for the terrible quality[/quote]

That looked fine. You just didn’t sit in deep which i always like people to do no matter the weight as when it’s heavy or limit you WILL need to sit in deep.


Muscle snatch, snatch to toes, should help with straightening the bar path and yourself but keep your shoulders over as long/late as possible. The video is tricky but looks good overall. Looks like your hips are coming up a bit quick/you’re tipping and your back might be rounding slightly too. Have you tried a wider grip? Narrower = further away.

Looks to me like you have a lot more in that! As has already been said, keep the back angle by preventing your hips from coming up too early and at the same time stay over the bar for as long as possible!