Snatch So Hard!

Thanks for the info; I never heard of that drill before, and I’ll definitely work on it.

During the first pull off the floor, don’t try to dank it. When the bar leaves the floor you want to maintain the same back position until you do your second pull. Somehow the double knee bend just happens then.

According to the USAW coaching format, the skill transfer exercises for the snatch are:

  1. overhead squat

  2. pressing snatch balance (this is behind the neck military press performed the same time you are dropping into a squat)

  3. heave pressing snatch balance (this is performed with a slight dip just prior to performing the above move. after some practice these two just sort of run together)

  4. snatch balance (starting with the bar behind the head, drop straight to the floor into a squat at the same time jamming the bar into an overhead snatch position. ideally the bar will never raise above the initial height, only the body will drop. do this as fast as possible)

practicing these skill transfer exercises will increase coordination, flexibility (hip and back) and drastically increase mid-back and shoulder strength, thus making the snatch much more comfortable.