Snatch Grip High Pulls

I am really interested in starting to use these in my routine but am placing a lot of emphasis on learning them properly since it is a brand new movement to me, could someone link me some resources that promote near perfect technique? Also any tips that people could provide from their personal experience with this lift would be greatly appreciated!

[quote]Gcortese wrote:
I am really interested in starting to use these in my routine but am placing a lot of emphasis on learning them properly since it is a brand new movement to me, could someone link me some resources that promote near perfect technique?[/quote]

This is the technique to use to build muscle (not the actual technique used in olympic lifting). Really focus on using the legs, hips and lower back to get the bar exploding up then tug it up and toward you.

[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:

This is the technique to use to build muscle (not the actual technique used in olympic lifting). Really focus on using the legs, hips and lower back to get the bar exploding up then tug it up and toward you.[/quote]

Thank you very much for your time CT!