Small Activation Exercises, Volume

So, maybe a sample lower body day would look like…

Glute Activation
Clam Shell
Glute Bridge
Seated Psoas Hold
3 “circuits” 12 reps of each. Add pauses at the top to increase workload. After that, add a mini-band around the knees for more resistance.

Hip Stability
Hip Hikes
Single Leg Hamstring Curl
Half Kneeling Shrugs, 1 Arm at a time
3 “circuits” 12 reps each. Focus on neutral spine, upright position, and working both sides evenly.

Actual Lifting
Romanian Deadlifts 4x10.
Stay symmetrical, keep your hips even, feel your hamstrings. Drive the glutes through at the top. Focus on lifting correctly, not poundage. Use dumbbells instead of the barbell at first if you feel squirley. Keep them close to your legs.

Single Leg Calf Raise 4x12
If your feet and your hips aren’t lined up, your calves are probably all out of whack. Do these slow, focus on both sides working evenly.

Whatever else you feel ready for. After a few weeks try some partial sumo deadlifts to learn how to use your glutes when lifting.

Whatever You feel most comfortable with