slight case of bitch-tits

anyone know how to get rid of bitch-tits? I took soy and it caused fat deposits around the nipple area. I heard Vitex [chasteberry]is good. any further inquiries are greatly appreciated. surgery is not really a preferred option. should I go on a cutting cycle??? p.s. - SOY IS HORRIBLE!

Sounds like just fat to me. Remember, real gyno hurts badly. Men store fat around on their chests like women do. Gain too much fat, it’ll look like you have tits. (Picture those 10 year old obese kids with c cups that run around malls.) But that’s not necessarily gyno. In fact, gyno isn’t really fat at all. It’s another kind of tissue, I beleive. Yes, soy is bad, but I don’t think you have gyno based on the info you’ve provided.