Skinny Fat Clean Bulk, Help

As for reps: Ramping to 3 is great method. You just progressively go heavier and heavier in 6 or 7 sets, starting with say 50-60% your 3-5 rep max, and add 5-10% per set. You can jump up and down in weight as you ramp toward your heavy set, but you should feel more neurally activated each set. This is not very taxing to the nervous system (depending on exercise of course), so you can follow that up with say (3-5X3-5) and possibly also 1-2 high rep (15-20+) sets. It’s really the more effective way I’ve trained. Gets you strong fast. To gain more size, increase total weekly volume (either on the same day, or 2-4 days after).

As for training split: I really like upper push, upper pull, lower. But I won’t push this on you. Find what you like and remember