Singles Training - Need Advice

It should work. You need a minimum of 15 maximally effective reps per muscle to trigger optimal growth. A maximally effective rep is a rep where you are recruiting all the recrutable muscle fibers, including the fast twitch fibers that have the greatest growth potential.

This happens when the load is at least 80% of what you can lift at that moment. Not 80% on the bar; if you have 70% on the bar by rep no.4 you are over 80% of your potential at the moment due to fatigue and from that point on all the reps are maximally effective.

With singles, doubles and triples you are in that zone to start with.

8 singles give you 9 maximally effective reps. The explosive work might not get you to 15 though. Yes the acceleration increases FT fibers recruitment but it’s not the type of work that fatigue those fibers. But adding 3 sets of 3 reps at 80-85% or one set of 3 @ 85% and one set of 5 @ 80% would do it.