Simply Stronger

Been working out for about a year, went from weighing 135 to 185. I didn’t really start making progress until about 6 months ago. I tried SL early on and didn’t get very far with squats because my form and lack of mobility. Now I’m trying kind of a variation since once school starts I’ll be very busy. And also hitting mobility hard and aiming for a comfortable BW ATG squat, and a comfortable ATG Overhead Squat.

Some PR’s
Deadlift: 320
Press: 135
Chins: +35x5 - Didn’t train Chins for a while

Front Squats
115 2x5
95 1x5

95 3x5

BW 3x5

165 5-5-3-3 - Slow negatives

Push Ups
BW 3x5 - 1st set and a half with slow negatives

Pull Ups
BW 3x5

I applied all that I read about in Kstar’s 50 page sample to the Deadlifts and Push Ups, and it was awesome. Both felt super easy, and very stable. Better tension in the whole post. chain for DL’s.

Also, after I watched his videos about the grip on Pull Ups, they got a lot better as well. So far I haven’t found any flaws in his ideas.

Deadlifted 305 tonight for a tough ass single. 15lb drop in the max since almost two months of not so hard DL training, still decent I guess. Will be gone in Italy for about 2 weeks, so hopefully short hotel workouts

Mobility work every day. Did Push Ups and shortened ROM Inverted Rows yesterday, also a good amount of Overhead Squats with a chair. Not a wide enough grip for my shoulders, but light enough to work. Squatting is getting better!

Are you still on vacation bro? Did you find any good place to train?

Coming home tomorrow, then back into training.

Nah, Ive been real busy with doing stuff. In the long run 2 weeks off isn’t too awful

Posted a form check on Squats in the Beginners section. Please check it out if you guys have a chance. I think I’m gonna be sticking with low bar for a while

45 2x5
95 1x5

95 3x5

95 3x5

My Squats sucked today. Did 5x5 Squats with a plate in front of me, and those were just a little more awesome than yesterday, but the back squats killed me. Thought maybe the reason the BS’s were better yesterday was cause they had decent weight, so I upped it to 95, and it didn’t really make much of a difference. I’ll keep trying though

Also I’ve decided that my training has sucked. I’m giving some 3x5 LP a go, cause I’m sure my Bench, Rows, Press, Pull Ups, and even DL could get a good amount. Squats obviously could but Istill need to get form right first

50 3x5 - Tried a tiny bit wider of a stance. It felt good, but the depth was definitely shallower. Back to the closer stance

65 3x5

135 1x5

Pull Ups
7-3-3 - Tried 3xF like is usually suggested until 12 reps is acheived on the first set, but I didn’t enjoy it very much. Will do weighted 3x5 and add 2.5lbs per session.

Shoes should be here Friday!

55 3x5 - Less butt wink, though they still looked like low-bar in the bottom position. On the way up they were upright and high-bar-ish. All in all better

100 3x5 - Not “hard,” but kind of challenging. Not a good sign…

100 3x5 - Good stuff

Squats were good today, towards the end I was staying more upright. Kstar’s advice definitely helped. Holy shit though, all that trying to keep a tight upper back and good torque on the bar definitely frid my grip and back…

60 3x5

70 3x5

145 1x5

Pull Ups
BW 3x5

Form Check Updated

65 3x5

105 3x5 - These feel great

105 3x5 - Awesome as Bench

Worked up to a 5 rep set where my form started to break down a bit. Not bad, got 135 with it. Will probably start back at 115 and work my way up from there.

75 3x5 - Good reps

155 1x5

BW 3x5 - Adding 2.5lbs!

115 3x5 - Awesome!

110 3x5

110 3x5

Don’t know if I mentioned it or not, but when I got back from Italy (August 6) I’ve been eating a lot better. Not much less at all, but replacing a lot of the junk with healthier food. And so far it’s going great! I’ve lost 5lbs so far :smiley: I would like to get to a BW of 165, which won’t be 6-pack lean or anything, but just not fat like I am now.

120 3x5

80 3x5


2.5 3x5

Awesome work!

Squats: Learned that camera angle changes everything! Before I had thought that my Squats were barely past parallel, but once I moved it a bit lower they looked really deep and better. Not sure which to believe…

Rest of workout: Explosive positives and controlled negatives. I’ve been watching Jonnie Candito’s videos lately, and once he suggested always training explosively or something, and though he isn’t the first to say it, it stuck to me. And these felt awesome. I’ll try it for Squats on Thursday

125 3x5 - Filmed at knee level to judge depth, ATG!

115 3x5 - Need to figure out leg drive…

115 3x5 Easy peasy

130 3x5 - 1st set was with a belt just to feel, form looked better and they felt tighter. Makes me think I need to strengthen my core a bit. Thoughts?

85 3x5 - Very easy. Each rep is done from a dead stop, though I did 1 rep without the stop towards the end and it was sooo smooth.


5 3x5

135 3x5 - 1 Plate! Awesome, kinda hard though.

120 3x5

120 3x5

Tried some rollouts with a DB since I have no ab wheel, not so great. Will do Hanging knee/leg raises next time

Ankle mobility time is now up to 2:30 minutes instead of 2, wasn’t seeing much progress

140 3x5 - Holy shit.

90 3x5


7.5 3x5