Should I Start a Diet of Only Veggies, Fruit, Meat/Eggs/Fish?

Don’t make foods in a way that is hyper-palatable. Yes, oatmeal tastes awesome with tons of brown sugar or syrup in it, but that’s obviously a poor choice if you want to control cravings.

Varies from person to person. For some it is easier not to overeat, if their food isn’t super tasty. On the other hand some can’t stand diet if they don’t eat things they don’t like. I am in a second group. I am already in a poor mood, because I am dieting. Now I am supposed to take even a pleasure of eating, when I finally can, away from myself? Give me a break.

Never found oats filling.

What does your diet look like? Mood shouldn’t take an immediate hit.

It takes if I am hungry. And I am generally hungry at a calorie deficit.

Spinach wrap!

With a single slice of bread on the inside.


You say tomato, I say tomato.

…weird: that sounded better in my head.