Should I Increase My Calories or Is It Enough?

Hi. I am a bit confused, i am currently trying to eat at maintance, but these caloriecalculators are so different. Some are saying that my TDEE is 2600, while others sais 3000.

But i have been on 2500 kcal now for a while, and my arms are definitely bigger, while my chest are the same. Because my arms are bigger, would this mean that 2500 would be enough for me to gain muscle on the other bodyparts aswell?

Are you gaining, losing, or maintaining weight on 2500 calories? There is your answer.

Good question, will maybe say the same, but my muscles on the arms are bigger. Wouldnt that mean that i am eating enough, because my muscles there are bigger? My chest are the same tho, but thats due to poor excercie-selection.

One thing that I learned is that when one has a problem with a specific body part that’s hardly an exercise selection issue (unless one’s doing bicep curls for chest of course).

And if it were, why not just choose better exercises? Dumbbell and barbell presses, neck presses, cable flies, Dips, even push-ups and the Pec deck machine are all good alternatives. If you have problems recruiting that muscle specifically, you might want to work on your mind muscle connection first (there are quite some articles here about the subject)…

How long have you been training for? If you aren’t gaining weight but are visibly more muscular, you might be hitting the holy grail of body recomposition—That is gaining muscle weight while losing roughly the same amount of fat.

If you have been training for less than 2 years and your lifts are actually increasing, this might very well be the case.

On the other hand, there are quite a bit of studies indicating that in order to put on muscle mass at an optimal rate, you have to eat at a calorie surplus.
So unless you want to be eating at maintenance for some specific reason, you might want to increase calories over it (usually up to a surplus of 500 kcal a day to begin).

How about actually following the advice you’ve already been given by experienced guys and forum directors in like the 5 other threads you’ve started

Your body is lying to you. It is trying to sabotage you because your body and your brain are at war. Listen to the calculator.

Next you’ll be tricked into thinking your movements are getting stronger by only training then once per week. A fiendish plan by your brain to make it seem like you are getting stronger by moving more weight on the bar.


What’s so special about this calculator? What if this calculator is also trying to sabotage him?

So if I can deadlift 1000 lbs I’m not stronger than a guy that can deadlift 100?

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Depends on training frequency.


You should give up training and just become a coach to share your endless wisdom on 5/3/1 revisions and training splits. Make a profile on Linkedin and be sure to post pictures of yourself so everyone knows how good you are at all this.