Should I Hire a Personal Trainer?

I’m not being “shirty” :smiley: with you on anything. I am pointing out that most of the industry is a scam.

I really wish people on here would just talk and have a good time. Instead, most people on here get really rude and let their “hubris” show… I’m not interested in getting in these kinds of arguments with ya’ll. I joined to have a good time and talk with people who love lifting, like I do.

I find the easiest way to not get into arguments is to… Not argue. Seriously. Although some people find it very difficult to just walk away without throwing in their 2cents, but it works. Ever tried arguing with someone who won’t respond?


I guess that is what I will have to do.

I find it surprisingly easy nowadays. Although I have practised it for quite awhile. I guess I haven’t really felt the need to prove myself or my point for years. People will accept or reject what you have to offer and on most occasions, you will not change their mind no matter how blue you go in the face.

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I really just wanted to have a fun group of people to talk to on here. That is why I joined. :confused: I don’t ever intend to get into an argument… :frowning: Anywho, i guess this thread is dead!

Flip, she was basically doing “the worm” for reps. Back not straight, loose core, etc…Pretty easy to spot actually.