I want to wish all the jewish t-men and women out there a happy and sweet new year!

Hope all our Jewish readers have a good
yom tov. Remember, on Rosh Hashanah is it
written and on Yom Kippah (Yom ha Teruah) it is
sealed!!! May you all be inscribed in God’s
Book of Life. Time to crack out the apples
and honey. L’Shana Tova Tikatevu.

–Brock (Baruch ben David haKohen)

NHF, Brock, but this name sounds like a character from Dune the desert planet. :slight_smile:

And of course, happy New year and all the best to you… many good mass and cutting cycles. :slight_smile:

Blessed High & Holy Days to the Jewish people. (Orthodox Christians celebrated New Year in the fall, too, on 1 September.) “Zayn fon iber mir iz libshaft geven.”

Sasha, do you have any idea how alien “Aksentijevic” looks & sounds to the average English-speaker? – Popchik

… and yet, you know that my first name is actually Sasha and not Sasa… :slight_smile: Didn’t you notice two smileys in my posts? Where did all the humour go? Anyway, my last name is strange and sounds odd even where I live. I think you can consider it to be very unusual (yes, this is my real first and last name. And now, let us see the big T-Rev’s smile…? This is not a serious matter, you know…

[(:-)# >+ Is that better? A proper pravoslavnij preots smiley for you! Who’s so serious now? What’s a popchik to do? OY!

T-Rev, CIA’s World Factbook for 2001 says about religions in my country the following: Roman Catholic 76.5%, Orthodox 11.1%, Muslim 1.2%, Protestant 0.4%, others and unknown 10.8%, me being an atheist falling into “other and unknown” cathegory. Assuming that everybody whose last name ends with “ich” is Russian or orthodox is just like thinking that everybody who is blonde is Scandinavian and can’t be anything else… therefore it’ just that, assuming. A little knowledge goes a long a way, you know. And now, let us see a big T-Rev smile again, but this time, more knowledgeable one, without prejudice… :slight_smile:

My dear Sasha, I think you misunderstand me. I am the Orthodox Christian here, even with my French, Irish & Native American ancestry. I made no assumption about your faith (or lack thereof), & I have no desire to offend you or anyone else. Perhaps you read too much into my comments. I use the smiley, not assuming anything about you, but because it looks like me: silly little pill-box hat, beard, pectoral Cross & all.

– Otets T-Rev [(:-)# >+

Hey T-rev, I’m about to convert to Greek Orthodox as my wife to be is Greek Australian. Sasha my housemate is Serbian Australian and he tells me that the only ethnic difference between Croats and Serbs is that Croats are Catholic and Serbs Orthodox. We have a lot of Yugoslav people in Australia, and to me Croatians look like Germans or Austrains whereas Serbians tend to be darker, probably some Turkish descent.
Anyway, happy new year to our great friends and allies the Jewish people.

T-Rev, no grudges hold (I hope this is the right expression, English is my third language, after Croatian and German). :slight_smile: I was kidding all the way. Anyway, are you kidding too or are you really a holy man of Ortodox church? I mean, it is hard to believe that you have a beird and cross on a chain and long black robe and - workout?!? Torq, actually, Croats and Serbs are two different nations, just like Germans and Danes for example. They both share common South-Slavic origin though. The language is very similar, although there are differences, one might compare it to differences between American and British English. There are more differences between Croatian or Serbian dialects within the same language than differences between “standard” Croatian and Serbian. As for the looks, I’d say that generally speaking, both are typical white Caucasians. Of course, there are areas, for example, people from South Serbia, that might have distinctive appearance similar to the people of more “south” origin, but this is not a rule. You would not be able to tell apart an average urban Serbian from average Croatian, or Austrian/German for that matter. It is nice to see that people from such distance know things about people from this area. Yes, Croatian people are predominantly Catholic with some Greek-catholics and Serbs are moslty Ortodox with catholic and Greek-catholic communities.
However, the Serbs have their own, Serbian-ortodox church, separate from the Greek or Russian. Anyway, my father is Serbian and my mother is Croatian, as you already might have noticed, I live in Croatia and consider myself to be Croatian. Keep on hittin’ it hard! :slight_smile:

Sasha, I am not a holy man of the Orthodox Church; on the contrary, I am a great sinner. However, I am most certainly an ordained Orthodox Priest, assigned to a suburban American parish. Not only do I work out in the gym, but I am also a 2nd degree black belt in Shorin Ryu Karate. There is nothing wimpy about this Priest.