SGHP Max Pump

@CT - what is the movement for the Max Pump Layer on Snatch Grip High Pull days? thank you

As far as I remember it was just 3x3 on the power snatch or something similar, at least in the context of week 4 of the triple ramp-cluster variation.

I seem to remember it being snatch grip shrugs held in the contracted position.

ie: Hold shrug contraction for 5 seconds, do 5 shrugs, hold contraction for 4 seconds, do 4 reps, and so on for 3-2-1

for what its worth i did my own version with great results;

my goal was/is muscle growth, with the deltoids being my priority, as such, once i finished my regular layer work on high pulls, i did 3 sets of 8-10 reps just using my arms to pull it up (maybe very slight hip punch to get it moving), this is NOT an upright row at all because it will still explosive and required the slight leg drive to get it moving -i couldnt have handled that much weight with slow/strict upright rows.

once i couldnt pull it up to my lower chest i stopped the set.

worked great for delt/trap growth. can’t say i’ve ever had a deltoid pump comparable to that! :slight_smile:

[quote]lboro21 wrote:
for what its worth i did my own version with great results;

my goal was/is muscle growth, with the deltoids being my priority, as such, once i finished my regular layer work on high pulls, i did 3 sets of 8-10 reps just using my arms to pull it up (maybe very slight hip punch to get it moving), this is NOT an upright row at all because it will still explosive and required the slight leg drive to get it moving -i couldnt have handled that much weight with slow/strict upright rows.

once i couldnt pull it up to my lower chest i stopped the set.

worked great for delt/trap growth. can’t say i’ve ever had a deltoid pump comparable to that! :slight_smile: [/quote]

what grip do you use?

the same grip as the main lift; my ‘heavy’ layer day is clean grip high pulls, my hypertrophy based day snatch grip high pulls. so yeah i use the grip that follows the main lift. -i personally think the clean grip allows better deltoid activation, but the snatch grip is hands down the best for traps/upper back development.

[quote]lboro21 wrote:
the same grip as the main lift; my ‘heavy’ layer day is clean grip high pulls, my hypertrophy based day snatch grip high pulls. so yeah i use the grip that follows the main lift. -i personally think the clean grip allows better deltoid activation, but the snatch grip is hands down the best for traps/upper back development.[/quote]

thanks for sharing

@ J Moby,

The shrug hold was replaced by the Hard 5 sets. Just throw the Hard 5 as many sets as the Max Pumpy calls for.

awesome, thanks guys

@ All:

I have a question on Cluster sets. They call for 90% of RM. CT says if you can hit 3-7 reps at 90% the weight is good. However last night on slight decline bench I could get 4 reps then after 10 sec could not get another for an actual “cluster”. Should I lower to 80% so I can really work the Clusters or keep the weight on and improve work capacity. I’m thinking lower a bit and get the volume in for the growth not just 3 sets of 4 reps non clustered!

[quote]brandon76 wrote:
@ All:

I have a question on Cluster sets. They call for 90% of RM. CT says if you can hit 3-7 reps at 90% the weight is good. However last night on slight decline bench I could get 4 reps then after 10 sec could not get another for an actual “cluster”. Should I lower to 80% so I can really work the Clusters or keep the weight on and improve work capacity. I’m thinking lower a bit and get the volume in for the growth not just 3 sets of 4 reps non clustered![/quote]

i’ve probably misunderstood… you are doing 1 rep, 10 sec rest, 1 rep, … yes? not 4 reps then 10 sec?

in a nutshell…

as CT said you should do 3-5 sets of clusters (depending on # sets on HDL) with 90% of ramp, taking 10 seconds rest between EACH rep.

he says aim for 3-7 reps, you got 4, sounds ok to me? imo the 90% work builds on your ramp, and helps build strength AND size. doing less than 90% work and you are getting into density stuff, and that should be done after 90% work.

if you are worried about getting enough volume in for growth, my personal advise (which i get great results in) is to add speed work. use 50-60% of ramp and try 8 sets of 3 reps as fast as you possibly can (whilst controlling the movement). this isnt too taxing on the nervous system because of the low load, and can really help stimulate the fast twitch fibres. keep the rest down to like 30 seconds and you have a good 5 minute ‘finisher’ after your main layers. as a bonus this will help you push the weight on your next workouts (depending on how explosive you may already be).

give it a shot, i think you’ll surprise yourself with the results :slight_smile:

just FYI these are all normal methods CT mentions across posts, i just gave you my application of it and how i use for muscle growth

[quote]brandon76 wrote:
@ All:

I have a question on Cluster sets. They call for 90% of RM. CT says if you can hit 3-7 reps at 90% the weight is good. However last night on slight decline bench I could get 4 reps then after 10 sec could not get another for an actual “cluster”. Should I lower to 80% so I can really work the Clusters or keep the weight on and improve work capacity. I’m thinking lower a bit and get the volume in for the growth not just 3 sets of 4 reps non clustered![/quote]

if i remember correctly. he said if you cant get 3, then lower the weight some. if you get more than 7, increase the weight some.

and i’ll repeat iboro’s question.

“i’ve probably misunderstood… you are doing 1 rep, 10 sec rest, 1 rep, … yes? not 4 reps then 10 sec?”

@ Iboro and dom:

Lol…No no the point of the post was… I’m doing 3 cluster sets total, 90% of my rep max…okay.

On my first set of clusters, I can get 4 reps for the first part…resting 10 seconds…I then can’t get another rep after, terminating the set…so its not really a cluster set at 90%. Same with sets 2 and 3.

Should I lower to 80% and so I can actually do reps then rest10 sec and actually get more reps and so on, because at 90% I can only get one 4 rep first portion…get it? Rainmans…lol

[quote]brandon76 wrote:
@ Iboro and dom:

Lol…No no the point of the post was… I’m doing 3 cluster sets total, 90% of my rep max…okay.

On my first set of clusters, I can get 4 reps for the first part…resting 10 seconds…I then can’t get another rep after, terminating the set…so its not really a cluster set at 90%. Same with sets 2 and 3.

Should I lower to 80% and so I can actually do reps then rest10 sec and actually get more reps and so on, because at 90% I can only get one 4 rep first portion…get it? Rainmans…lol [/quote]

ooooh ok. yeah you are doing it wrong; its 1 rep, then rest, repeat… not as many reps as possible then 10 seconds rest!!

so 4 cluster reps would like; 1 rep, rest 10 sec, 1 rep, rest 10 sec, 1 rep, rest 10 sec, 1 rep, rest 10 sec, end of set

What? Iboro you are so high.

Iboro is not high! Correct he is! (nice segway to your avatar brandon)


Clusters develop the capacity to recruit and stimulate more Fast Twitch fibers. It is a very powerful method to increase size, strength and density (giving the muscles a harder look).
Use 90% of the weight you reached in your ramp.

One set has several reps (3-7) performed 10 seconds of rest between them.

You rest the bar on every rep, which is why it’s best to start from pins or a deadstart. You stop the cluster set when you cannot perform more reps. Do 3 sets. If 90% is too heavy lower the percentage to get 3-7 reps in the first part of the set.
When using Normal Full Range Reps take 15 sec rest where 10 sec is stated.

Emmmmm, reading you are. Mmmmm. There is no 1 rep then rest. lol

And by the way, Hard 5’s were never mentioned to be a replacement for the max pump. I was originally meant to be the third “phase” of the hyper layers. First phase was 5/4/3/2/1, second was max/rest 15/max, third was the hard 5’s. It’s a variation of HDL, not of the max pump layer. Not trying to bust you out B-dawg, just stating a fact.

Anyway just nevermind with my question, I’ll either improve week to week or lower to 80%.