Serge Nubret Pump Training

[quote]StrengthSeeker wrote:
Hi every one. This is my second week on the program. Here are my ramblings:

I love it. Very much, will probably be my “life style program” tweaking some things here and there and alternating with cycles of other methods. THANKS FOR THE DISCOVERY BRAD!!!

Less chest exercise (just 3,I feel 5 is just too much plus Im not a chest guy. Im a BACK guy plus back muscle need more exercise and variety) all with emphasis on upper chest.
More exercise variation. Grip, angle, unilateral etc.
Include compound, isolation and unilateral exercises.
No work for front delts. All go to rear and lateral. I have a unbalance for OH pressing for too long. Needo more lateral and rear.
Rotator cuff work
Some forearm, abs and calves work. (Will include neck too).

Volume, form and muscle mind connection RULES. Nail the volume, perfect the movement, master the exercise-kepp RPE low on the first 4-6 sets. OWN the weight before thinking of raising it.

DON’T USE ECCENTRIC FOCUS TRAINING! This will kill your recuperation. Keep the tempo relatively fast say- 3-4 second per rep. This equal 36-48 tut. Multiply that for 8-6 sets and you have enough. This way you wont mess up with recovery.

Full ROM is better IMO
full ROM doesn’t necessarily equal less TUT. Just work on mind over muscle and contract.

Use the RIGHT weight
One that allow you to “feel the muscle” I notice that theres a weigth when I can literally feel all the movements and co contraction of the muscles involve. If I increase it, I still can do the movement but I lost the “feeling”- “Pose with weights”

.5 inch in arms and chest/back
.8 inchs on legs
waist remain the same :slight_smile:

In pictures clearly more chest definition and better shape (will post later after 2 weeks more).

I think G Flux go great with this.

How are you guys doing?

Thanks everyone this is a great threat


Dang we have some hard working people here. I knew this program worked ,but so many people are having great results and that is awesome. I did not expect this many replies and reports of success so fast.

Thanks a ton for the feedback, it means lot to me especially as a new writer here. My goal is to open peoples minds to types of training and principles that work extremely well for the natural trainee. Give a little history on the sport and show off the physiques of the 30s, 40s ,50s and early 60s.

Thanks for the quick and thoughtful replies folks.

to gazz: yes i have gotten great results, but i’ve also ‘felt’ horribly overtrained and tired (i understand the body will adapt eventually but right now not enjoying feeling tired and miserable all the time), and in my opinion got sick from overtaxing myself. I could be wrong. Also something i forgot to point out in the original post was that a great deal of the growth i experienced happened during my 3 days off - which is part of why I was thinking 6/7 days a week is too much for me. upper arm gained an extra 1/8th just by resting and eating and not working out?

to brad: Thanks for the reply - yeah i think part of the reason this program worked so well for me is because i’ve been doing mostly high intensity stuff for the past few years (HIT, then Waterbury’s huge in a hurry, then 5/3/1, then sheiko, dan john, etc…) So yes, perhaps you are right i should not jump off the band wagon too soon.

Bhappy: my longish term goal is to be strong and healthy, but my secondary goal is to be able to post competitive powerlifting numbers (goals conflict a little bit maybe?) and to look freaking awesome (hah).
but right now i’m doing a bit of a mass gaining phase as i recently lost a bunch of fat and am trying to get back in the 190ish range - so i should probably focus on one goal at a time.

I’m very conflicted, right now the thing that bugs me the most about the program as written is no deadlift work (i love to deadlift), (i mean the btn press, i can just replace with an infront of the neck press).

Ok, now i’m trying to think of another way, to do this program without compromising it too much.
For now i’m going to go to the gym and do serge’s back and hamstring day, and i’ll post on here later if i come with with any (supposedly) brilliant ideas.

thanks again for the feed back.

zenontheterrible, for a beer you can read your prescribed program(only for 2 weeks test).
a = deadlift, abs, calves, forearms…
b = pull + push focussing on compounds (time savers)
fallowed by ABC pumping
You see like trying to save your dog and your cat in a fire it is a tough decision.
In about 3 months i will not be as close to the gym i go to so a solution will be do most of abs, calves, shoulders at my new home to limit gym time. If i want to limit training time that option is not there.
Personally i do well with abs work 2 days, 1 off.
Have a nice weekend !

thanks for the thoughts Bhappy!

this is what i came up with at the gym

A,B,C, rest A,B,C, rest,
A,B,C,rest A,B,C, rest, rest, deadlift workout, rest


why does it suggest waiting at least 15 minutes between body parts?

[quote]justinpalmz wrote:
why does it suggest waiting at least 15 minutes between body parts? [/quote]

To reap the full benefit from the pump. Doing the second muscle group later in the day is presumably even better.

ahh okay. makes sense. What has everyone been doing as far as the weight they use. Anyone been changing wait each set? Or is everyone using the same weight for all 6-8 sets? My bad if this was answered already. I’ve been skimming through this thread since it was started and I dont recall seeing it anywhere.

[quote]justinpalmz wrote:
ahh okay. makes sense. What has everyone been doing as far as the weight they use. Anyone been changing wait each set? Or is everyone using the same weight for all 6-8 sets? My bad if this was answered already. I’ve been skimming through this thread since it was started and I dont recall seeing it anywhere.[/quote]

Same weight every set. Original article is here:

shoulders… there is hope. Today i felt strong and i realized later that my problem shoulder that i rested for 5 weeks did not feel weak any more. After about 15 days it is getting better due most likely to Broomstick stretches and or pull-aparts done daily. Obviously i will need to identify(testing 1 by 1) the source to stay on the good side.

Switching from a strength/performance style of training to more of a bodybuilding style due to work schedule. Decided to give this a shot. I can’t remember the last time I was this sore second quad/chest workout tonight, looking forward to it.

Hi all-Did any of you continue the routine for an entire 6-8 week cycle? Curious to see any final thoughts or observations from those of you who began this after the initially article.
Finally, thanks Bradley for being a great example of how to respond to different opinions on the forum. Credit to all of you for being constructive and not turning posts into a shouting contest.

Hi twilight. I did it for 8 weeks or so, and got excellent results. But I stopped because of nagging pains in my non dominant shoulder. I was feeling a bit overtrained, too, even though I cut most of the suggested numbers of sets in two. But I’m not a great example, as I’m not perfectly healthy (Crohn’s disease).

I completed 6 weeks. I put on 3 pounds, which at least 2 is muscle. If I could do this consistently, the results would be amazing!! The first week was difficult with the reduced weight. The second week I was unsure, but the last 4 weeks my reps and/or weight increased.

I think in order for this to work, you HAVE to have a decent level of strength. I going to a 8 week strength cycle, then I will do a similar program to this after deloading for a week.

Again, this program IMO requires a decent level of strength first.

[quote]Brett620 wrote:
I completed 6 weeks. I put on 3 pounds, which at least 2 is muscle. If I could do this consistently, the results would be amazing!! The first week was difficult with the reduced weight. The second week I was unsure, but the last 4 weeks my reps and/or weight increased.

I think in order for this to work, you HAVE to have a decent level of strength. I going to a 8 week strength cycle, then I will do a similar program to this after deloading for a week.

Again, this program IMO requires a decent level of strength first. [/quote]

Well, I don’t know…my level of strength is pathetic, and I still put on about 5 pounds of muscle on this routine, in 8 weeks.

@ twilight i never did the suggested program but i used the principles: at least training whole body twice weekly, high volume(i have been building up i am allmost there now) high reps, short rests and allways avoiding physical failure. About 3 weeks ago gazz posted what he does and i adopted his 12-10-8 reps rotation.

For months i had a shoulder issue so my resulst are modest but i am happy with them. I plan to mainly use these principles for the coming years with a little occasional variety. I too was stalled the first 2 weeks but benefits came in after that. I am not strong my qualities are flexibility and endurance.

All the best !

@ knokkelezoute73 i honestly wish you well.

[quote]twilight wrote:
Hi all-Did any of you continue the routine for an entire 6-8 week cycle? Curious to see any final thoughts or observations from those of you who began this after the initially article.
Finally, thanks Bradley for being a great example of how to respond to different opinions on the forum. Credit to all of you for being constructive and not turning posts into a shouting contest.

Thank you for the kind words.

And yes thank you everyone for your constructive input and for trying the principles out. I was overwhelmed by how many of you gave it a shot and am very happy it gave you such good results.

Keep an open mind like that and you will all go far.

[quote]twilight wrote:
Hi all-Did any of you continue the routine for an entire 6-8 week cycle? Curious to see any final thoughts or observations from those of you who began this after the initially article.
Finally, thanks Bradley for being a great example of how to respond to different opinions on the forum. Credit to all of you for being constructive and not turning posts into a shouting contest.

I did, although fun, it’s not for me. All the volume managed to bring on a new injury I’ve never had before in my left elbow…which pretty much blows and made the whole 6 weeks not worth it. I took a week off, came back and the pain is still there. I’m doing really low volume but high intensity now. Man I missed lifting heavy! All heavy vertical pulling exercises seem to agravate my injury, so no pull ups or lat pull downs. But to everybody else that it’s working for, good luck and keep it up!

“no pull ups or lat pull downs”
I hope you get well soon.
On the contrairy for the last 3 weeks i have been doing 6 days weekly lat pull downs.

Because of a shoulder issue since last Jan. my upper body progress was lagging. According to a Chad Waterbury article/experiment i decided to focus on pull downs and it is nice to have improved in size and strenght. To avoid over use problems i did no arm training(i use standard bench press, compounds) and 2 handles(rings like) so my joints are not limited to move freely.
In a while i plan to repeat my high frequency experience with push-ups.

Thanks Bhappy, I’m getting used to coping with injuries now. Before it used to tear me apart not being able to lift. I followed the Serge Nubret routine as it was written, SO much volume. And I’ve never done behind the neck pulldown’s, I honestly think that was the culprit. Just putting too much strain on my elbow. Also was starting to feel on my left anterior deltoid as if it was about to get injured. Luckily that was the last day before the lay off.

[quote]jldume wrote:
Thanks Bhappy, I’m getting used to coping with injuries now. Before it used to tear me apart not being able to lift. I followed the Serge Nubret routine as it was written, SO much volume. And I’ve never done behind the neck pulldown’s, I honestly think that was the culprit. Just putting too much strain on my elbow. Also was starting to feel on my left anterior deltoid as if it was about to get injured. Luckily that was the last day before the lay off.[/quote]

Thanks for sharing, I got similar results as you - I found that the program worked quite well for muscle growth, but also quite well for the appearance of new injuries, aches, and pains. I also found my strength on this program (when doing it as written) really improved on the assistance movements, but really suffered on the compound movements.

As for the behind the neck pulldowns, i found it also hurt my elbow and my shoulder (right elbow and left shoulder!?), but a part of me felt like the exercise was pointing me to a muscle imbalance and weakness, so i decided to go very light on them, with a 2 or 3 second pause at the bottom, and see how that felt. I’ve noticed a big improvement in range of motion, and this exercise no longer gives me pain. For the record i mean REALLY light. I went down to 50lbs, and stayed at the weight until i could do all sets of 12 with a long pause at the bottom. about 2 months later i’m up to 80lbs (still very light) with the slow ROM and pause. The shoulder and the elbow no longer hurt while doing the exercise. Anyways, i’m not saying this is for you, i’m just relating my story cause i had a similar issue with the BTNPulldown. I still get pain however from the BTNpress, so go figure (probably weak rotar cuff?)

That being said i probably will revisit this program in the future.