Seeing Baghdad, Thinking Saigon

In light of the president’s speech, even more relevant today than when it was published over a year ago:

[quote]GDollars37 wrote:
In light of the president’s speech, even more relevant today than when it was published over a year ago:

Seeing Baghdad, Thinking Saigon [/quote]

“Washington must stop shifting the responsibility for the country’s security to others and instead threaten to manipulate the military balance of power among Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds in order to force them to come to a durable compromise.”
“The United States must threaten to manipulate the military balance of power among Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds to coerce them to negotiate.”
“The only way to break the logjam is to change the parties’ relative comfort with the status quo by drastically raising the costs of their failure to negotiate.”

“Today, however, Washington is doing just the opposite.”