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The lift (elevator) thing always confused me I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I still believe the ground floor should be the 1st floor though. So in America this is the case?

[quote]lemony2j wrote:
The lift (elevator) thing always confused me I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I still believe the ground floor should be the 1st floor though. So in America this is the case?



[quote]lemony2j wrote:
The lift (elevator) thing always confused me I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I still believe the ground floor should be the 1st floor though. So in America this is the case?


Depends on the building. Many buildings have both a “G” and a “1” floor, and which floor contains the lobby and exit differs from one building to the next. Another common thing in buildings is an “L” for “Lobby”. This is where the main entrance/exit is, should it be present. Some buildings just have “G” and “1”. The over-riding indicator though is a Star icon. Whatever floor has a star next to it indicates that this floor is the main floor of the building with the lobby and main entrance/exit.

Sometimes buildings have all 3. There is a medical office near me that has “G”, “L”, and “1”. The building is a split level building built on a hill such that the door to the front of the building is a full story higher than the back entrance to the building.

The bottom level floor, “G”, the bottom floor of the garage, but also has ground-level exit to the parking lot in the back. This is actually the door visitors go in and out of. The garage is two levels, with about half as much parking available on the “L” floor. The main entrance from the front of the building is a small Lobby, hence the “L” floor. The “1” floor is actually the first floor of offices, even though if you look out the back window, you are the 3rd story up.

To make matters more confusing for first time visitors, the garage is actually only for employees. Visitors park in the back of the building in a parking lot. If they press the “L” button in the elevator, they only can get out the front door, and walking around the building and down the hill to the parking lot is a 5+ minute walk. There is always 2-3 old people standing around in the lobby area looking out the window trying to figure out how to get to their car.

[quote]TooHuman wrote:

[quote]Nards wrote:
Now I used to live in England but now I get into little arguments about calling the way they number floors in the UK.

If you walk into a department store they call it the Ground Floor…OK, that’s fine;it is the floor that’s on the ground…but they go and call the next floor up the FIRST FLOOR!!!

No! That’s now the second floor! The one you decided to call the Ground was the first floor too so the one after that is the second one.[/quote]

The english have it right. They think like programmers not laymen.
You start counting with 0 not 1.

Which drive is that. It’s drive zero, the next is cride 1, and so on.
So which floor is that? The ground floor(floor zero), the next floor is the first floor(floor 1).[/quote]

Yeah but zero sort of means “nothing” but there is a floor there, so that’s the first floor…you can call it G if you like, but you need to call the one on top of that 2.

What do we call the first Die Hard movie? Die Hard 0? We call it “the first Die Hard movie” sometimes.