Scalise Shot at Baseball Practice

I don’t buy this, but if you do and are weighing cause-and-effect, how much of this “5x more” is influenced by the fact that Trump is, say, 5x worse (or more) in his own rhetoric than the other presidents you mentioned, contributing to the venom?


Neither do I.

Trump runs a campaign with rallys (and even “debates” with “fellow” Republicans) where he sounds more like a two-bit Central/South American Dictator than someone running for President of the United States…where he pisses on all kinds of people and institutions…

Then people say “WAH! Why isn’t he being treated like “other” Presidents?”

Any vitriol that’s directed Trump’s way is self-inflicted.

You wallow in shit you ain’t gonna’ come up smelling like Daffodils.


And I’m just going to post this NOW…because I’ve been on PWI long enough to know that it’s coming…

Except French women are very fashion-conscious, so she’s probably 5 foot 10, 110#, and was teetering on 6-inch stiletto heels to begin with. So I’d say the odds for a French woman falling are more like 1 in 5. OTOH, if it happened in Loozyanna, the woman would be barefoot and 300#, so she would have a very solid base of support. That’s a 1 in a thousand situation.

Finally, if you really want to talk about punching out female French politicians, the most famous example is a case of Right-on-Left violence:

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@thunderbolt23 @Mufasa

Going to have to agree to disagree here. Trump is a tool for sure, but pretending the establishment gives him anything aproaching a fair shake is just willful ignorance.

Obama won the Nobel peace prize before he had done a single damn thing. Chris Matthews had “a thrill run up my leg”. Examples of the bias abound, I’m sure @zeb1 has a copy/paste list. The media abdicated their responsibility as journalists and became cheerleaders and water carriers for 8 years. Now the teeth are bared and they’re ready to start being journalists again, with a fucking vengeance.

That’s their right of course, they can favor whoever they want. But when only 32 percent of Americans trust what you have to say, don’t complain about the big bad “fascist” calling you “fake news”.

We covered this on the MSM thread. Also, the Sinclair Group is currently trying to position itself to the right of Fox News as the primary mainstream conservative TV news outlet:

[quote=“zeb1, post:80, topic:230839”]
“…The left now owns this hate filled rhetoric…”


There is a helluva’ enough to go around, Zeb…from ALL ends of the Political Spectrum.

But now you’re talking about something different. We’re not just talking about a “fair shake” - we’re talking about abusive language, trash talking, threatening language, etc., as in “venom”. That’s not the same.

And no President has engaged in “venom” like Trump, fair to say?

The crazy is certainly freaking out over Trump. It’s like holding up a mirror to that crew. He’s not my favorite, but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Still not happy about it. They will of course continue to escalate the violence and violent rhetoric and then see every disagreement as “violence.” They’re remarkably good at playing victim. Funny how when someone actually gets shot and is in critical condition it’s suddenly about “both sides” and so and so posted an address or whatnot. Assault a woman and it’s but but . . . nothing about misogyny. They’ll never see it because it’s blind religious faith every bit as intense as the religious right. These aren’t rational people. Back to work for me. Too much crazy.

I just realized. We broke every rule in the book. We are talking about a hypothetical test where we assault 1000 women, and then talked about their weight, we made assumptions about culture based on birth country! Quick, hide, before the SJW’s get here. :wink:

Fat Shaming
Cultural Appropriation


How many butt sex jokes was Colbert making when he disagreed with Obama? Has he ever disagreed with Obama? They went and turned it up to 11 to fight Trump.

I know we’ll never see eye to eye on this. I’m not saying they should change anything, it’s a free country… sorta. But there is an increase in venom and histrionics. They’re salty Trump beat them. What they don’t get is he’s a political Kirby at this point. Every Kathy Griffin and Colbert attack strengthens his position.

Ok, I’m good with that - my question is didn’t Trump do the same, as Presidents go?

This is what confuses me. Trump easily took more shots at EVERYONE than any POTUS hopeful before him. The same people that loved when Trump took shots at people are enraged that people are taking shots back.

I can’t think of a better way to explain that “you reap what you sow” analogy.


100% this. Trump went hard after the media and intelligence community…and it’s blown up in his face.


Yes, that’s what I’m trying to get at as well. It’s fine to complain that editorialists, comedians, etc., are coarsening political dialogue - but what happens when the President is just as guilty if not more so?

Trump can say all kinds of awful things - ranging from the vulgar to the atrocious to the inflammatory - but the opinion media is obligated to play by Marquess of Queensberry rules?


A sitting president preached violence throughout his campaign. And it didn’t disqualify him. That right there is shocking enough

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I’d just like to mention Robert Creamer and Scott Foval here. See below where he brags about staging violence at Trump Rallies. I gave you the CNN link so you won’t be upset. Robert Creamer visited Obama’s white house 342 times and met with the president 47 times.

The DNC’s weak sauce response was that these weren’t DNC employees and they claimed they only had a contract with Democracy Partners after these activities.

They say O’keefe is a convicted criminal. He got a misdemeanor for trying to record in a Senator’s office.

You can watch the full unedited videos and transcripts on his channel.

But tough words from a president is morally akin to starting fist fights for political gain and looting Berekly because you don’t like a speaker. Okay.

Just to be clear by tough words you mean the sitting President calling for violence?

I looked at several mashups of him calling for violence. They all seem to be at campaign rallies where agitators are there trying to shout the rally down and disrupt things, not actually hold a real protest or engage in civil discourse.

“Punch him in the face,” “don’t rough him up, but if you do I’ll pay your legal fees.” Etc…

That’s not the way I’d do it. But if SJW’s want to crash the party, shout obscenities and throw punches. I don’t feel too particularly bad for them. That isn’t a protest, that’s Saul Alinsky street agitation done by the book.

Notice how you didn’t see too many violent agitators at Clinton rallies. It’s not a tactic the Repubs have picked up on yet.

Trump is hardly the first politician to have annoying people at rallies. And when Obama did he said let me finish. When people were upset about a Trump guy at a Clinton rally he said the guy was supporting his candidate and doing nothing wrong.

So I guess compare our last President and how he handled protestors vs our current one. One was patient and tried to quell disruptions. The other repeatedly called for violence