Sarcoplasmic vs. Myofibrillar?

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
I am in no way looking askance at those who spend even large amounts of time studying these things. I hope I’m not being taken that way. I do However believe that most beginner to intermediate types, in which group I include myself by the way, are not well served by trying to fine tune their training according to the latest cutting edge cellular level science which has still told us next to nothing conclusive about HOW to train.

I’m betting probably 90% or better of the current population of the weight training world fall into this category. [/quote]

Ah… gotcha. I defintily agree with that. I always like to get in these sort of debates, but my training is pretty simple most of the time.

[quote]jtrinsey wrote:
Tiribulus wrote:
I am in no way looking askance at those who spend even large amounts of time studying these things. I hope I’m not being taken that way. I do However believe that most beginner to intermediate types, in which group I include myself by the way, are not well served by trying to fine tune their training according to the latest cutting edge cellular level science which has still told us next to nothing conclusive about HOW to train.

I’m betting probably 90% or better of the current population of the weight training world fall into this category.

Ah… gotcha. I defintily agree with that. I always like to get in these sort of debates, but my training is pretty simple most of the time. [/quote]

The reason why I am curious about these things is probably the same reason we all are. There are differences we notice about our how our bodies respond to different types of training, and alot of what we notice cannot be explained by any studies, but it will be at some point. I definitely think training in low rep ranges is much different than training in moderate to high rep ranges, and that all hypertrophy is not the same, but I dont know to what degree, and I definitely dont have any studies to back this up…