Sanders Hits a Brick Wall with the Black Vote

Care to prove this as non-sense?

It’s not just a talking point if it is true. But your God(ideology) will not allow you to believe the truth or it all falls apart. And that is too painful for you to admit that you have been duped all this time. It is easier for you to keep being loud and wrong.

God, you’re a fucking idiot.

I guess. I hope so anyway…

You’ve lived long enough to know that yes, people can really be that stupid. I know, it seems to surprise every time, but it shouldn’t. The one down side to the U.S. being the #1 first world country in the world, is that it lends itself to the intellectually lazy to take that laziness to points in the metaphysical universe yet unseen, undreamed of, and bizarre to anybody who gives things a moment’s thought.
We live in a society and with a freedom to not even try if we don’t want to. The populous gets rocked to sleep by the gentle rocking of nuclear subs present around the world protecting our righteous asses.
Of course, while our country is able to harbor and absorb great stupidity, it also gives license to genius.
We should thank God every night that our country’s populous has the luxury to be profoundly stupid and yet be unaffected by that stupidity. It’s one of the things that speaks to the greatness of this country. Stupidity will, in general, not get you killed; likely not even harm you. Try being a blithering idiot in Beirut… You won’t last long.

I like how I post a shit ton of information backing my position, which completely destroying his and Zep just ignores it (I’m digging the link click count btw), but wants me to prove that his statement about the corporate media and sheep or whatever is nonsense.

Then, of course, it wouldn’t be Zeb without making another retarded statement about the truth and how painful it would be to admit how I’ve been duped!

Utterly ridiculous.

Seriously, Zeb, you need help man.

Last thing, if single payer were to ever exist in the United States following the European model, then each individual state should have their own single payer system, at the state level.

Until the European Union creates a single, single payer system across its entirety proving the model works, we shouldn’t even attempt it.

Let them figure that shit out.

So your solution is to do nothing and just let the status quo be? So Americans can pay 2 1/2 times for their healthcare than anyone else in the world without even having the best outcomes? What about government run healthcare in the U.S.? Why does it rise less than the “free market” system? So your obesity claim falls flat on it’s face. What about Canada, England and Australia? But you are forced by your ideology to defend our system. Otherwise the truth may come out. And evidence has no part in your decision making process. Try and intellectualize greed and monopolies all you want but I will follow the evidence no matter where it leads.

No, no it’s not. I say as much every single time you post about single-payer, but whatever…

What, like the VA where veterans died waiting for care? That same VA that savior Bernie Sanders oversaw as the chairman of the oversight committee? That government run healthcare.

It doesn’t…

Zep talking point #785

There are plenty of things we could do. I’ve listed them many times before.

Completely empty nonsense talking point #796

This one is always hilarious coming from you. I posted butt loads of evidence above, which you ignored, and you’ve posted literally nothing that refutes any of it.

You literally want 1 system, controlled by the federal government, and paid for by overtaxing the citizens of this country. You can’t honestly be this retarded.

Funny how it always seems to lead you to

Seriously dude, just scroll up:

Norway, with their single-payer system, pays more per capita than we do. America pays 2.5x exactly zero of those listed above.

Like I said, there are only about 1,000 variables to consider, but hey that would be too tough for someone such as yourself or the folks at the real news to handle. Better to just ignore these pesky little things called facts and instead putting your fingers in your ears and scream “single-payer” at the top of your lungs.

Fucking lol…


If Big Pharma cannot patent something and make the most amount of money from it they will have their lackeys in the FDA do what they can to stop or slow the progress down. This is why the U.S. is behind in it’s stem cell technology. It has proven far more effective than their garbage drugs so the public has to suffer so they can make more profit from the public’s misery. Not only immoral but ought to be illegal. But hey when they essentially run the healthcare system, what do you expect? It isn’t about health it is about profitting from others I’ll health.

Heaven forbid a company make a profit after spending millions of dollars in R&D. We should definitely let the federal government take over, governments have never acted immorally :confused:.

Heaven forbid we have a healthcare system that is primarily about health and not profits. So make people suffer for the sake of Big Pharma profits. No wonder you are aright-winger.

Like the veterans that sufferred and died during Sanders oversight of the VA?

Nice evasion of the point. When caught try and deflect the main thrust of the question. Instead of facing down the question, try and bring up a side issue to try and save face.

You didn’t ask a question you dumb motherfucker.

Like how you’ve evaded the fact that Norway’s single payer system cost more pet capita than our system?