Russia Won't Go Away

Some people have theorized there’s a connection between faith in the government and single parent homes.

Daddy wasn’t around to provide, but the government was always there to feed and clothe them (surrogate parent).

Maybe the major growth in single parent homes has created blind faith in government no matter how much it betrays them

Oh I see.

But the question still stands - how did she end up at the table with Vladimir Putin?

Unless you’re sitting around with top secret clearance, you have zero knowledge of how often they’re wrong vs right.

I don’t care.

What we’ve seen over the decades is bad enough.

Me’s think Raj may have a new alter ego.

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Since when do you think?

Word is Kellyanne Conway and Michael Cohen have lawyered up.

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Doesn’t matter what you favor. What matters is where/how the candidates campaigned and how 30 states wanted Trump.

I’m aware of how the electoral college works. It’s just not the system I prefer, hence me liking the concept of a popular vote.

That’s true. But all I said was more Americans wanted someone else. Can’t remember the exact number but approximately 3 million more Americans

I know, we always go back and forth on this. But my point still stands. Just because you think it SHOULDN’T be meaningless, that doesn’t make it so.

As always, I’m aware. Change doesn’t happen from people being quiet about things. I’ll continue to make my voice heard in regards to thinking popular vote > electoral college. Change happens from the masses making their voice heard. I can only hope it pays off. Rest is out of my hands

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The Bengahzi investigation took like 4 years and 10+ million dollars…


No, they aren’t, but in any event, you’re trying to have it both ways.

If Trump truly is innocent of wrongdoing, he has no one to blame but himself for the mess he’s in in the court of public opinion over it.

Even if Hillary did get more votes, the result is irrelevant. We really don’t know how the election would have turned out if the election winner was calculated as a simple vote tally.

For instance there are people in blue states who are Republicans but don’t bother to vote because there’s no chance for Trump to win their state.

There are Democrats in Red states who don’t bother to vote because Hillary had no chance to win their states.

Trump and Hillary would have campaigned almost exclusively in the coastal urban centers where population density is highest

There’s honest to goodness evidence in the Benghazi investigation and a trail of blood. How on earth can you compare the two?

Is that why Trump carried out the “lock her up” mantra that he spewed for months? The overwhelming amount of honest to goodness evidence that even a GOP run Congress couldn’t work with?

I’m not comparing the two. Government investigations take time. Mueller was appointed special counsel like 3 weeks ago.


Interesting backstory on Parscale here:

I think the point of pfury and H-factor bringing up the popular vote was not so much to re-litigate the “popular vote versus electoral vote” debate (which we can do elsewhere, haha) so much as to remind us that Trump was not elected on an enormous, unanimous tidal wave of support across the nation, but rather by winning a tightly contested battle, especially in the key states.

The popular vote is “meaningless” in the sense that it does not determine who takes the office, but it is still an indicator of the degree of support behind a candidate. Trump wants to know why everyone isn’t lined up behind him now, and why the media is so mean to him? It’s partly because he went into office with a lot less support (46.1% of the final popular vote) than most recent Presidents had during the election (51.1% in 2012; 52.9% in 2008; 50.7% in 2004; 47.9% in 2000; 49.2% in 1996), and hasn’t exactly struck a tone of togetherness since then. Is it really surprising that the media is going to pander some to the crowd that didn’t like him?