Russia Won't Go Away

People are really curious about the inconsistencies.

If Sessions was being truthful in the hearing and interpreted the question as only pertaining to Russian meetings as a Trump campaign surrogate, then why did he announce his recusal from any investigations? He had said previously that he was “not aware of a basis to recuse myself.”

After firing Flynn, Trump described him as “a wonderful man” while not once refuting the details of the Flynn story; Sean Spicer said Flynn had “done nothing wrong”. So why was he fired?

One of Sessions’ meetings was part of an event paid for by his campaign dollars, not Senate business.

And, Sessions by himself may not be a huge deal, setting aside his lack of honesty before Congress -but Sessions plus all these other fellow Trump underlings meeting with Russians?

It’s worth looking into.

BecausE he’s probably under tremendous pressure to do so .

Republicans generally are held to a higher standard than Democrats because the Democrats have the media on their side

That explains why Trump is so fawning, ingratiating and obsequious in his dealings with the press…

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That must be why the Republicans ran dozens of investigations and committees to smear her and came up with nothing. Dirty media forcing these poor repubs to stand down.

A fountain of knowledge as always Raj.

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Are you talking about Hillary Clinton?

Wrt Hilary Clinton, the Black Hole Theory of Politics states: the freeing of money post election is proof that the Clinton Global Initiative did in fact exist to suck money from everything around it.

Make your own hypotheses as to what the money was for.

Not quite following you here, pg.

Can you expand on this a little?

I have yet to hear an actual hypothesis as to what the Russians did if anything. This whole thing seems to stem from Wikileaks and the DNC. It’s continually said that Russia “hacked the election.” What does that mean exactly? Hacked voting machines?

I just keep waiting for some kind of substance to come from all of this Russia hysteria and it never seems to materialize. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. I just am having a tough time not being apathetic whenever Trump/Russia get mentioned in the same sentence. (I know “That’s what they want you to do!”)

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1. What have U.S. intelligence agencies concluded?

That Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered a campaign to influence the U.S. election “to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency.” Also, that Putin and his government, along the way, “developed a clear preference” for Trump. These conclusions by the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency were made public in a declassified report released Jan. 6 by the outgoing administration of Barack Obama. (On Putin’s “clear preference” for Trump, the CIA and FBI have “high confidence in this judgment,” while the NSA "has moderate confidence.”)
8. How did this all begin?

In April 2016, Democratic Party leaders called in a cybersecurity firm to look at suspicious software on their computers. The firm said it found digital footprints of hackers tied to the Russian government. The Democratic National Committee went public with the news and the suspicion of Russian involvement in June, just after Hillary Clinton clinched the party’s nomination for president, and just after WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange said his group had “upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton.”

9. What were those leaks?

On July 22, as Democrats were starting to gather in Philadelphia for their nominating convention, WikiLeaks released almost 20,000 emails from inside the Democratic National Committee. They showed, among other things, how DNC staffers had favored Clinton during her primary campaign against Bernie Sanders – a sideshow that prompted Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign as DNC head. Later in the campaign, WikiLeaks released tens of thousands of emails from the Gmail account of John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman.

10. And WikiLeaks got those emails from Russia?

That’s the allegation. The report by the CIA, FBI and NSA says Russia’s General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, gave the material to WikiLeaks through the “persona” of a purported Romanian hacker, Guccifer 2.0, and a website,, both of which also promoted the hacked information to certain journalists. Assange has said the source of the hacked emails “is not the Russian government and it is not a state party,” though that doesn’t mean that an intermediary couldn’t have done so.

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[quote=“Alrightmiami19c, post:90, topic:226860, full:true”]
I have yet to hear an actual hypothesis as to what the Russians did if anything.[/quote]

Then you should have an adult sit you down and teach you where to go for information about current events, because we’re way beyond hypotheses as to what the Russians did (“if anything”) and you’d have to have your head dangerously far up your own ass not to know this.

I too tend to be apathetic about things I don’t bother to understand in even the most basic sense.

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Russia’s tactics backfired. Now everyone is more skeptical about them in the american gov. They knew hiliary would be a pain in the arse but the heat they are getting for helping to sway voters via the internet and media/hacking. The end result is now worse. It is quite fitting how ever because the formation of the ussr was directly funded by out side countries. IMO unity through a common enemy may be better for your gov in the long run

Watched this live earlier. This isn’t the whole interview, but I am sure you can get the gist of it. Why this guy continues the interview circuit is beyond me. His “performance” certainly raises more questions than it answers.

“We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.”

The consensus in the American intelligence community currently.

"The 45th U.S. president is a pathological liar who indulges in petty cruelty, revels in his ignorance, and struggles to string together coherent sentences. He is impulsive, thin-skinned, and wholly self-centered. Like the more depraved Roman emperors, he likes to surround himself with crowds of cheering sycophants when he “performs,” even in the most hallowed of grounds. The past few weeks have provided ample demonstration that this 21st century Nero cannot be channeled, counseled, or controlled "

Still better than any Muslim which unsurprisingly the author of this garbage most likely is

“Hey Russia don’t try to propagandize our population with your TV outlets we have our own networks to lie to us!”

You’ll notice the alleged hacking didn’t involve vote tallies because that would require honest to goodness evidence that they’d have to show us

These are the things that I can’t seem to get a clear handle on…and after hearing Bannon speak at CPAC about his World and National views, concern me even more:

  1. What exactly is his role as the “Chief Strategist”?

  2. As it’s relates to the President; how did the “Chief Strategist” gain what appears to be greater access and influence on the President than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and National Security Advisor? (McMaster). (i.e. they both can be left out of certain security meetings that Bannon can attend).

  3. How is a non-vetted “advisor”; who did not have to go through Congressional scrutiny…become an important member of the NSC?

(I welcome correction if any of these assertions are incorrect).

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Well thanks. That was very enlightening.

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