Rush Limbaugh Has Died

Rush Limbaugh has died at age 70.


A piece of trash who was fortunate to live at a time when a lack of experience or education is not a barrier to success. How anyone would care what such an unremarkable person thought about on any subject is beyond me.

And it’s quite likely he was into underage girls.


Sorry to hear. But at the same level as for the old man down the road. The extra attention we give to celebrity always bugs me. Be it Rush or Ginsburg.


He helped the Republicans take the house for the first time in 40 years. Educated or not, he knew how to move the masses.


So does Kim Kardashian. She’s still a whore.


I think your comment begs the question. How does his death impact the GoP? Talk radio is a decent portion of right wing media. Basically 90% is Fox and talk radio. Do his listeners move on to a new person? Do they listen to something non political during his time slot?

As things are going now; Limbaugh’s void will most likely be filled by someone who to the Right of even him.

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Some people do, make, create, innovate, act… Others sit on the sidelines and bitch about them. Like today’s social media “influencers” < fuck I’m cringing hard typing that fucking word > he fell in with the latter. The faster they either stand at the gates of hell, or become otherwise irrelevant, the sooner humanity can heal.


They only need to be a hypocritical pervert with a sense of entitlement.


Tremendously successful at what he wanted to do which is build a brand off fear mongering. Which is an inspiration for others who would go down to build brands off fear mongering (future AM radio hosts, talking heads on cable news, Alex Jones types.)

World isn’t exactly worse off without him IMO. Someone else will step in and do the same thing he was doing.

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He had good taste in cigars.

I think they move on to new people, or rather existing conservative personalities grow in his absence. I also think that you may see someone taking his microphone for the same show down the road… Maybe something like the Limbaugh tribute show or something, I don’t know. Similar to how spin-offs happen in TV.

Unfortunately I do believe that new personalities (not existing known quantities) may very well be to the right of Limbaugh.

Limbaugh was the original influencer, in a very real way. I believe he was the first personality to really get traction, and all others on TV and radio basically followed in his footsteps. So the stupid social media influencers basically owe him for creating and developing their own niche. He was the pioneer of that.

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I recall listening to him in the '90s growing up, because my dad was a big talk radio fan. I deliberately have avoided Limbaugh for a very long time now, but it seems to me that he was much less fear-mongering in the '90s. I think he developed more and more of that as he aged, because I remember him being primarily a sarcastic and biting critic rather than a fearmonger. Could be wrong though

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Hard to feel bad for a guy who was in servitude of power for the majority of his political life. He pushed their propaganda all for money. A total sellout to the status quo.

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I liked him. Thought he was hilarious. Loved when liberals didn’t get the sarcasm and got their panties in a wad.


This is very possible and I’ll have to admit my comment is aimed a bit more at the later parts of his career and not say the 90’s.

Either way it’s not even a bad practice if he ended up going to it. Fear-mongering (especially on the right in modern times) is a hallmark of success. The most successful conservative talking heads are the ones who are the most effective at fear mongering.

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You didn’t get it since it wasn’t sarcasm. The only funny thing about him was that besides being a draft dodger, he never had a real job.

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Being in TX and having OKC friends, their take on Limbaugh is vastly different than the people in this thread.

Should one not talk politics and keep their friends. Or talk politics to find out what people think and then drop those friends?

I read an article a few weeks ago that said that Rush’s audience were older and not so large a fanbase anymore. He failed to attract younger listeners. Talk radio has lost its luster. There are no more clubs and restaurants where you can sit in there and they play his show for everyone to listen to. At one point he was huge, but those days are long gone.

Rush Limbaugh is ailing. And so is the conservative talk-radio industry. - The Washington Post


HA! A perfect example of what I’m talking about.

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“nicotine isn’t addictive”
“If tobacco is so deadly, if it is so bad, why does our government permit it to be sold? . . . I’ve never seen Cause of death: Tobacco products. Not everybody who smokes gets cancer.”

Dies from lung cancer, somewhat ironic isn’t it.


I’m sure many of you know someone who has died of cancer and, it sucks. As much as I didn’t care for Rush’s radio show I feel bad for him and his family that he went out that way.

Having said that, his radio show sucked IMO. His delivery, long pauses, pitch, etc. was just annoying even when saying stuff I agreed with. He also regularly bloviated racist, misogynistic, homophobic and other generally hate filled thoughts so if that’s your thing, I’m sure you’ll miss him. I won’t.