Rules I Taught My Daughter

lmao… im 17 :slight_smile: ask her if she wants a date for next friday

this thread is useless without pictures for the younger guys on this thread…me included(20)

I thought in Canada kids were raised by Degrassi: The Next Generation.

I think its great/funny that your teaching her bathroom ethics. Can I marry your daughter? I’m 19, and unemployed but I promise to get a job if you let me.

Rules I would teach my daughter if I had one:

  1. Look em in the eyes when they’re about to shoot.
  2. Two heads are better than one.
  3. Only bang men with nice cars, lots of money, and uncles in oil.
  4. Eat anything you want. They have plastic surgery now.
  5. If you get into porn, daddy will leave everything to you and nothing to your brother.
  6. Don’t waste my money on college, start hanging out at the country club and marry up.
  7. Always videotape your private sex life, so you can sue when it gets stolen and passed around the Internet.
  8. Forget the car, when you turn 16 you get DD’s.
  9. Daddy doesn’t love you. Now go make life a living hell for the stupid man who marries you.
  10. Don’t embarrass daddy, make sure you know the difference between Chicken of the Sea and chicken before you whore your way onto TV.