Ronnie Coleman Wins Mr Olympia.

i watched wade hooper squat a little over 750 at 165lbs. doesn’t that mean that he should have won? come on, don’t try to justifiy colemans win on his “strength.” what’s next arnold won because he could out curl sergio?

I think the “real” esults are; 1st ken @#$% 2nd dave &^%@@ 3rd rick %&$$#^))@ 4th dave %%$^#&&@ 5th bill &*%+_#$@ (the name of these drug dealers has been altered to protect these “athletes”)peace

Chill out Uncleburly!!! Beacuse there was not much info on the net about the show when i started the topic i had to put in something else in there. I couldnt just say “Ronnie coleman won”. Get a sense of humour, did you see that little :-)? OBVIOUSLY the judges didnt take into account how much Coleman squats.

Lee Priest didn’t compete because he was dropped by ProLab about three months ago. Without the $4000 a month he was getting from them, he was kinda limited on the “supplements” he could purchase to be in top notch condition. By the way, ProLab signed Kamali to replace Priest.

Did anyone see Lee Priest at the convention? Jesus was he bloated. I didnt even recognize him.

That’s all I wanted to say. - char-dawg

dude, i seriously dont see the point in putting in so much effort to win a medal when u gotta juice up like a circus monkey to get there

This thread is over two years old.

Congrats, Dr. Frankenstein.

Dan “It’s Alive. ALIVE!” McVicker

Yeah, but it kinda brought a tear to my eye to see some of the old names… :wink:

funny thing is it’s now 6 straight (correct me if I’m wrong) and I think Jay got #2 again this year.

Cicus monkeys are juicing now? Where will it all end?

Oh, and will it drop the prices of gear any?

Shawn Ray has been robbed several times in the past too. Yates shouldn’t have even won the final year. It’s all political and fixed. Just like the Oscars.