Risking my Safety by Publicly Attacking Pump & Dump Scammers?

If you’re taking your investor tips from mammoth_package I don’t know what else to tell you.

There are coooks all over the internet hailing one stock or another as the next amazon, or bitcoin so its a bit of a stretch to assume they are all personas of this fund. Not to say they aren’t.

What is the source for that report you posted, is this your own counter attack post?

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Yes, agreed about taking stock advice from mammoth_package, and it’s my writing.

I did guess, you may not be opening yourself to physical harm from some underground mafia, but you are making a lot of absolute statements and presenting what must be statements of opinion as objective facts. Not sure where you are but that kind of publication can get you into trouble in a lot of the world.

BlockquoteHow does someone possess the ability to be sucked into a pump and dump scheme and also have the ablility to know the “correct information and analysis”?

I knew a lot about the stem cell product they’re developing, so I got excited and bought into the optimism. I did not believe they would do something illegitimate. I didn’t know anything about bankruptcy reorganization or the OTC market and how much fraud there is. I lost money in the first dump and wised up, and now I’ve had enough time to learn a good bit.

Your waging of war could be dangerous. Say the wrong thing to some whako on this forum and you could end up regretting it. You never now with people.

Having said that, it’s not remotely likely you need to worry. Just make sure you don’t slander or libel anyone.

The confusing thing to me is, I’ve been pumping Tesla for that last 8 years on this site. You’ve been on the site the whole time. So, why the heck did you buy anything else? Is my salesmanship that bad?


Nah, you’re good! I remember suffering from fomo for months when you and DB jumped into it.

Still kinda do.

What’s your % return on it?

On my original shares, which I got for 88 bucks, pre split, it’s 34X.

Unfortunately, I didn’t subsequently add that many shares until this year. Despite my conviction in the company Elon was being immature with pedo tweets, sparing with the SEC and dating Amanda Psychopath which scared me off of taking bigger positions.

Since then, I’ve completely gone over to the dark side and my investment portfolio is now almost entirely TSLA. Portfolio is up 114% on the year. Last year wasn’t half bad either, guessing, but I was probably up 40 or 50% in 2019…

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I was proud of DB. He was a young guy, fresh out of college and had just started his teaching career. It took some balls for him to plunk down 4,500 at that time. I hope he’s freaking rich now.

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Not investment advice, but I think TSLA is going to be pretty predictable for the next few weeks.

S&P inclusion is happening on the 18th. I expect the share price to run up until then. It’s at 600 now so I think it will go to at least 650. After that, the buying obligations will dry up and the share price will settle down to a much lower price. The number I have in my mind is low 500s.

After that, Tesla will resume taking over the world and the share price will reflect that over time.

mammoth_package is at it again.

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I respect anyone who made big money, but I would never invest in something like GameStop, because I don’t believe in its fundamental value. A brick-and-mortar video game business? Really? I only want to invest in what I know about and believe in.

You are showing a fundamental misunderstanding of how the GameStop fiasco came about, and what it could mean for the market going forward.