Rise Of The Slaya 2019- Next Strongman Comp prep and fixing my hip

Thanks man👌 Tryna get that 100kg fs. Starting next week I’ll be doing front squat walkout overloads.

Yeah its gonna suck :joy:

My quads are cramping already. Hey atleast the core doesnt give out first with constant tension…

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Easier/faster to put on. Also, I think my grip has to work a little harder (albeit not much, might just be in my head) than with figure 8’s. Mostly the former though. Also, if something feels funny I can drop the weight.


Lol. Isn’t the point of straps so you dont have to rely on your grip strength?

Yeah i can understand why that would earn olympic straps some brownie points. If you go for a max deadlift and feel like if you dont drop the bar somethings gonna snap then you’re stuffed with figure 8’s :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Foam rolled quads then foam roller broke lol :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Hop flexor stretch
Hand bands

Deadlift form is coming along nicely! Have you tried setting your form before you start the rep? Check out my Instagram post from yesterday to see what I mean. I set my feet and grip and then get in position to pull. I squeeze my lats like I’m trying to squeeze an orange or tennis ball and then I straighten my legs to generate a little stretch reflex.

I don’t think I’d get everything right doing it the way you do. I’d miss one of my cues because everything is so fast.

On the eccentric try to think about completing the same movement as your pull but in reverse. My goal is for it to look the same (or at least close) as the concentric. If you’re just thinking about setting the bar down slowly then you can lose tension and technique. If you think about specific joint angles/movements then hopefully you can achieve my goal of looking the same in both directions.

I find that it’s easy to turn a touch and go set into a set of heavy RDLs if I don’t focus on lowering my hips with the bar on the eccentric. I also see it in other people’s videos.

Yes, that’s why I mentioned it being redundant :sweat_smile: the effect is probably next to nil.

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I haven’t tried “setting”

yeah, it improves when I actually dont just quit after warmup sets. it helped to not film my warmup reps so I didn’t get mad. I still got angry but not enough to stop.

I’ll have a look at your video.

okay I’ll slow it down a bit

I’ll try completing the same movement in the eccentric. thats probably more important then the concentric in terms of safety for me atm. I don’t want anything worse to happen than the little twinge I had yesterday.

is doing touch and go harder (for technique) to learn than doing deadstop reps?

Gripper training
Grip was kinda fatigued from the last two days lol.

Warmup with hand bands and reps with the trainer.
5×5 with the 1
Timed hold 25 seconds. Did it wrong (was supposed to do timed hold on final rep of final set)

Lots of hand bands

@strongmanbrett I’m chasing you for them grip gains. If theres one thing i can catch you on its Farmers carry lol. You’re too strong for me with everything else

Bracing practice with belt, lots of pull aparts. Also some scorpions

It might be a little harder but if you learn to move the same way up and down then it shouldn’t matter. Initially I found touch and go reps to be tougher than dead stop. But once I figured out the bracing and movement pattern it became easier.

I exhale a bit at the top of the rep. I take in air and brace again before lowering the bar and I hold that until I’m standing after the next rep.

It might simplify things to focus on the concentric for now but if you’re going to lower the weight slowly then you need to do it right to stay healthy. If you can’t then you’re better off letting the weight drop.

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Bit late, but happy T-nation day Young Duke.
Deadlifts is improving.
Big J has some good pointers.
When lowering I’m thinking hinge, hinge, hinge, until the bar passes the knees, then I stop hinging, and thinking bending knee.
I’ve tried Brian Alsruhes bracing while standing up, get down, grab the bar and pull.
I am actually going back to, grab the bar, engage lats, brace, pull the slack out of the bar. Then straighten the legs and lower as if I was to jump or something, everything is tight here and then pulling the bar of the floor. As Big J says.
But keep up the work young duke, you wont pull 600 pounds within a year. Nice and easy does it.


Duke with regards the deadlift Brian Alsrue has a good tip which is to try to think about driving your legs as if you are pushing the floor away from you rather than pulling the bar up from the floor. It takes a bit to get used to but to really helped me.

Is touch and go better?

No weight dropping for me. In strongman that would be classed as a failed lift. It would be easier to just learn the concentric but i feel like that would just make it harder to then learn the eccentric.


Hinge hinge then knee bend. I’ll try remember that for my next session when lowering+ stay tight in core and lats. I like the sound of how you setup for deadlift so I’ll give that setup a go.

So like standing leg press sorta?

Todays training
Alright session. Looking forward to trying yoke tomorrow even though I’ll regret saying it. Also last day of school tomorrow then two weeks of holidays

Lazy lifter, Facepulls and lat pulldowns

Close grip Bench press
4×4 60kg
Amrap 50kg
Changed where i unrack the bar so its like eye level. Felt good.

Incline db press fat gripz
Shoulders hated. Shoulders generally hate any form of dumbell pressing whether its flat or incline or whatever.

Seated db shoulder press fat gripz 3×10 superset machine rows 3×15. Shoulders were pissed off from incline so these were trash (Shoulder presses)

Ya switching out dumbell inclines and seated db press with something else


Yes, I think Brian has a vid on his you tube channel where he describes it as pushing the world away with your legs.

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I love randoms that just comment so you follow or buy there product :joy:

Lots of pull aparts, hand bands

I think it depends on why you’re doing the lift. Can you touch and go in strongman?

I feel like I can get more reps touch and go than dead stop so for my purposes it’s better. I do more reps at a given weight and get more time under tension.

@T3hPwnisher does touch and go in training. Perhaps he can tell you the best approach since you’re an aspiring strongman competitor. My guess is that doing both versions is the way to go.

There are literally no rules in strongman, haha. Even the “no sumo” thing isn’t technically a rule. It’s a consistent standard, yes, but since there is no rulebook to any federation, it’s a standard that has to be established each and every time at a competition, and in turn, it can technically NOT be established and then be allowed. It even was back in the early 2000s, before we observed the issue with trying to implement it in a 18" pull. That’s a long rambling way to say that, some contests allow touch and go, some don’t.

I pull touch and go because I find it harder. It’s more exhausting for me to stay braced and gently tap the floor vs to let it crash down. I suppose you could do the best of both world and gently tap the floor, then set it down, then dead stop pull it up, but that tends to jack up my back something fierce. In fact, back pain was the reason I switched to touch and go in the first place, as I used to be an exclusive dead stop puller until a very bad back injury forced me to switch. Staying braced for all that time really helps.

You gotta be able to do both. Might not be a bad idea to pull main sets one way and supplemental the other, or go through different training blocks of one style or the other. Since I live in a duplex right now, I rarely pull dead stop, but when I was by myself I tried more frequently.