Rise Of The Slaya 2019- Next Strongman Comp prep and fixing my hip

If there’s no reaction then they won’t have any reason to provoke you, will they? They’ll get bored and move on to someone else.

It’s about self control. People who perform acts of bravery in dire circumstances aren’t fearless. They act in spite of their fear. The feeling is still there though.

With anger and hate it’s the same thing. It’s there, but you have to act in spite of it. That’s the difference between being an immature piece of shit and a decent human. We all get mad and have our pet peeves. You think I don’t hear shit at work? You think I don’t want to act on that?

I once knocked on a door to do a welfare check because this lady who was receiving free/discounted housing from a mission service wouldn’t answer the door for her case worker. She finally answered and was like “What do you want?” I explained that we were just there to make sure she was okay because her case worker couldn’t reach her. She said “I’m fine. You can leave.” She then proceeded to call me and my partner faggots and express how she hated police and had no use for them. I wanted to grab her by the throat and end her pathetic existence. This stupid bitch is receiving a gift from this mission and she’s so selfish and entitled that she wouldn’t even talk to her case worker (the very person who helped her get this free/discounted housing). You’d think such a person would be grateful, but she wasn’t and there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do to change her.

Don’t think you’re alone with your anger. We all have triggers. Life is about controlling your emotions and feelings and doing the right thing regardless of how you feel.

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It’ll be a big milestone for me when i can suppress it.

Thanks man. I agree

CG Bench is your friend tho. Also don’t start any fights young man, you have an issue with kids, report it.

Well yeah they most likely will continue regardless, it’s been happening since I’ve been at this school and I’ve ignored it thus far but the soap in the water thing was to far.

Controlling the emotions isn’t easy i guess

Yeah that’s what I’ve been doing, except it fails to go up. My bench should be alot stronger than it is. Infact i should be benching 2 plates atleast considering my overhead strength which continues to shoot up.

Except reporting really doesn’t do shit. Why would someone at this age even care about getting told off, thats kindergarden level. I know i don’t.

Woah… so i just helped coach a yr 10 sport class as part of sports cert and in the warmup i had them doing bodyweight lunges. Except 90% of them, even the skinny kids couldn’t do them. I had a discussion with the teacher and it’s just sad this generation is so inactive, eating like crap and being inside all day

Agreed JM press made my bench grow bigtime

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That’s just sad really

Yeah. Its pretty messed up

Todays training
Lat pulldowns
Lazy lifter

Axle press
65×1 fail
someone gave me technique tips, technique rusty.
Got it pr

After deload technique was off. Was supposed to do a double but fucked it up. Also after a real light week not used to heavier weights. I didnt take that into consideration, my last deload i worked up to a heavy weight and did stuff all assistance, this time i did 5 sets of 3 with 50%. This deload worked better though so it doesn’t matter.

overhead press with kettlebell hanging from band superset fat gripz pullups
×4 pr

Was using 8 kilo kettlebells but the next kettlebell up is 12kg so used those (increase of 8kg). Easily got my planned 3×3, also tried out wrist wraps and they were awesome for strict press.

Bunch of other assistance stuff which i skipped half of lol.

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One of your recent PRs was a 60 kg x 4 push press, right? That does not mean that your bench should be at two plates. Even a 60 kg x 4 strict press wouldn’t guarantee a 100 kg bench.

I don’t want to be mean, but you need to be realistic before you scratch bench pressing completely. :wink:


The emoji at the end definitely softens the blow…


Maybe you are just weak off the chest, try pause or dead stop presses if that is the case. I’m also a huge fan of incline dumbbell bench.

Idk man, I just don’t want to see yah get in a fight with some shitheads and get in trouble for it. Cause it doesn’t really matter if they are instigating you, if you break some kids nose for putting dish soap in your water then that’s a lawsuit on your hands.

True, but i just expect bench to be higher, i mean it shouldnt be the same as my push press.

I guess so. It just makes me sad how pathetic my benching is.

Whats dead stop bench?

Not saying im going to punch them, but if i did and they started a lawsuit that would be pretty pathetic. I mean they went as to go as far as putting soap in water. Isn’t putting dish soap in someones water illegal? Chemical sabotage? Dont know lol. Although physical violence obviously gets criticised more in the court room

Mine is nearly equal

So its normal? If thats the case then i don’t have anything to worry about

Forgot to mention as well. It seems unless its in a smith machine any kind of incline work i do feels funky on the shoulders. I cant tolerate dumbells for even flat benching either. Any pressing work has to be done flat or overhead. Dumbells feel fine with shoulder presses though. Its been like that since forever really and unless there was a way to go back in time and not break my collarbone so shit grows unalligned, and one side longer and uneven than it cant be fixed.

Collarbone manipulation? I feel like I’ve heard someone else talk about that…

In regards to your bench to push press ratio… According to CT’s article about ratios, your push press should be 85% of your bench.

If you’re thinking about strict press then it should be 60% of your bench.

Not for someone with a huge bench I suppose but for most people with a solid technique in the push press, who also devote time to it, I guess it is not unusual