Rise Of The Slaya 2019- Next Strongman Comp prep and fixing my hip

Now that’s what I call high risk equipment :smiley:

But really, nice that you have a sandbag now!

Got to find myself a log and try it out sometime

Alternating log carry and sandbag sprint could make for some nasty sessions

30s log carry
Sprint to sandbag
30s sandbag carry
Sprint to log
Time could be substituted for distance of course, actually it could work even better that way

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Probably should have emptied it and just used all sand instead. I took a shower straight after :grinning::joy:

I can make multiple! My mum likes sheep poo to use in her gardens so i haveblots of bags i can use and fill them up to various weight. I also put a couple of 5kg plates i have lying around in my sandbag. Don’t know why this didn’t occur to me before. Got the idea from @I_Luc orginally except go to the store and tape a bag of sand i bought from there. This sandbag is free!

In the bush or forrest somewhere lol.

i should try that!


I didn’t realise you were a fellow west Australian.


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Didn’t know you were either. Glad to know i’m not the only one here anymore!

Everyone else is over east.

I thought everyone was from the USA. :joy:

So you’re in Perth?


Hey Young Duke thumbs up.
That is really awesome stuff there.
Those other strongmen hanging around here have to be carefull.
Next up is a smaller log to carry overhead.
How about some rocks in various shapes and weight to play around with.

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My sarcasm detector is off the charts! you know what i mean :joy:

Theres @MarkKO @anon96032531 @guineapig @khangles @kleinhound @j4gga2 @simo74 @I_Luc @Irishman92 @painter27

Theres more too but those are the ones that post frequently/ or have a log.

Yeah not too far from perth. Was there for 6 months last year in Rockingham. What about you?


Thanks alot man! I was thinking of drilling some handles into the log so i could do other stuff with it as well. Like log farmers walks :joy:

Also i was eyeing off some rocks i saw too!

Btw just wanted to say keep up the good work i see in your log. You’ve been making some really awesome progress mort!


Go to your local forest, I know WA has a few and grab a couple of logs


Thanks @I_Luc thats pretty cool! DIY log farmers carry.

Also is it just a coincidence that the guys name is Duke? :joy:

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Haha, that must be it, now you have to do it, get the chainsaw ready

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In my comp, the last event for the Press medley was a natural stone @ 190lbs. Only one person was able to press it and it was one of the most impressive things I have ever seen. Point of the story, definitely play with some rocks outside.

Rise of the Slaya - Sheep Shit Edition

Few things are more satisfying than a good workout in the middle of a nice vacation. Awesome Duke :slight_smile:

Damn thats strong!!

Lol. Thanks man!

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Oh and my new gripper came today. Pretty excited to see if i can close it or not.

Grips sore from that conditioning session so i’m waiting till tomorrow to try it.

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Interesting read! “So simple and so concrete.” I think that’s one of the things I’m enjoying about powerlifting. Most of my athletic focus in on BJJ, which can get ridiculously intricate and, quite honestly, stressful. By contrast, I love the change of pace I get spending a full 45-60 minute session just working on a single lift or two.

Did 50 total pullups
30 normal and 20 negatives.

I took minimal time between sets to work conditioning. I got 8 on my first set!! I’ve always been shit at pullups and the most i ever got is ten. A few months ago i struggled to get 4, I’ve done zero pullups since then and i’m the heaviest i’ve ever been so i think it’s The improved grip strength from my CoC gripper. Cool

After pullups messed around with sandbag loading onto back of my ute.


Nice work man!

That’s quite correct. Increased grip strength usually means increased strength overall.

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Thanks man!

Its weird to think that just one little tool (CoC gripper) improves your grip so rapidly. I mean the website does say “The fastest route to a stronger grip.”

Definitely worth the small amount of money i pay for them. Not to be a CoC saleman or anything but i’d highly recommend it to anyone.


Your killing me with all these CoC references ::joy::

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