Rise Of The Slaya 2019- Next Strongman Comp prep and fixing my hip

Yeah, I’m aware. Just asking because you picked up the Ab work the next day on earlier posts. Good luck man. I had to cut the program at week 11 because of some family shit and school starting back, but I loved (and dreaded) every second of it. Pwn is right. The first few weeks aren’t bad, but that final stretch is where shit gets terrible. Going to 2 minutes between really kicks your ass.

Also, try not to “make up” workouts if you miss them. Knowing I was going to have to stop the program early I squatted and deadlifted in the same week around week 8 and felt like death the following week. If you do have to do so, just make sure you eat A LOT that week. Good luck again man!

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Is Mon-Thurs the whole week or just what fit in the screen for that post?

I’m surprised that it has back to back pressing days.

I haven’t done that. I did the ab work later on in the day if i skipped it for some reason

It’s a shame you couldn’t finish it man! call me crazy but I’m looking forward to the 2 minutes. I won’t say that then i bet though

Hehe skipping a workout is never a problem for me, I do whatever i can to make sure i get my ass in the gym! Sometimes if im feeling like skipping i take an uber. Psychologically i can’t handle missing sessions anyway. I’d rather get 4 hours sleep if it means i can train. (Not saying this happens but it has a couple of times) food is no issue either! And thankyou by the way, i think I’ll get some great results from this program

Me too. I find that a bit stupid so i changed it to:
Monday squats/deads
Tuesday overhead
Thursday back
Friday chest
Saturday conditioning/active recovery (so strongman events lol)

Yeah its supposed to be 4 sessions in a row. Personally i cant handle more than three in a row. Two’s best for me

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If it’s only four days a week then my brain says to spread it out. I don’t see the point in burying yourself for four days in a row just to take three days off. CT is always saying that it’s best to never train more than two days in a row and to never take more than two days off in a row.

I don’t always follow that rule but I like it - especially not taking more than two days off.


I agree. I dont know about you but personally I can’t train as hard if I train 4 days in a row. You need time to recover. Everyones different and theres people that can train everyday but for the majority rest days are needed. You grow when you rest.

I think it’s a good rule. I hate more than two days off, heck even one day off is pushing it. 2+ makes me crazy

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Goddamnit Duke, haha.

The point is it’s SUPPOSED to suck.


It’s cutting off the Friday workout, which is an active recovery day. 20 minutes of swimming, stairs, etc.

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I don’t mind pressing ×2 days in a row. But a shoulder pressing day followed by a benching day is just asking my shoulder for trouble. My left shoulder hardly tolerates bench as it is.

If you take squat and Deadlift out of the program then you can do a lot more :smile:! I can train every day of the week with a bro split that covers three days.

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Did you read the book or just the program? Have you looked into any articles on Jon? It’s not supposed to be an easy run. The order of the days makes it that much more difficult, thus you grow from the struggle. Benching the day after pressing, pressing the day after cleans, and cleaning after squatting or deadlifting is hard as shit. And doing all the days back to back is hard as shit. That’s the whole point of it.

Go through and find everything you can on him and watch/listen/read it all. There’s multiple podcasts, articles, and videos. Then run the program as written. If you find a way to alter it better for yourself after the actual program, then do so on the second run. You aren’t going to feel like you need those two rest days at the end of the week for the first couple of weeks. It’s an acclimation phase. By the last two, you don’t want to go back and can’t wait for the last two days of the week.

Just try to stick to what is written the first run. I know you’re young and think you know your body and the best way to train, but you will learn A LOT more by running something as written the first time. Also, if you plan to recommend or write a review of the program, your assessment will be made null due to certain changes. Kind of like how in the 5/3/1 board and people say it doesn’t work only to find out the only thing close to them running 5/3/1 is just them saying they’re running it.


I wanted to add too that you may have too many injuries that bother you to do this program efficiently. Maybe try it later on when you get them sorted out.


Hey, Duke, looks like you’re progressing well! Deepwater looks pretty interesting, but I don’t know if I want to subject my body to that at my age. Keep up the good work!

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I have the book.


Just because I’m young doesn’t mean you can presume i have the typical “Young” mindset on being a know it all or some shit. I’ve never stated or thought that i know the best way to train. I may have a few thoughts or general consensus on a few things but i definitely don’t know the best way to train.

Well unless i can go back in time that will never happen. I broke my collarbone badly when i was little and never got surgery so one side grew alot bigger, so my left clavicle is significantly longer as well as my shoulders lopsided and a bunch of other weird shit. So my left upper back is wider and my head is closer to my right side. Its hard to describe but basically everything i do my right side gets stimulated more or on bench press my left arm positioning is different so my shoulder takes unnecessary strain. My left shoulder is shitty, hence not wanting to do ×2 big pressing workouts in a row :smiling_face:

Thanks man!

Does your gym have a swiss bar/have you tried benching with it? Might help out the shoulder situation. Same with pressing with the log overhead vs a straight bar.

My elbows didnt seem to like the swiss bar. Ive only used it once so I presume its a form issue, my left elbow was the elbow that didnt feel good so i dont know really

I can’t incline bench but log incline feels good.

I’m talking about pressing overhead. You say pressing and benching back to back is not possible, but if you made your press a log press, would you be able to bench and press back to back?

I would consider using the swiss bar more than once before making a judgement on if it’ll work for you. It might be a shoulder saver. Another option might be a 1 board press. These are ultimately band aids, and time with a physical therapist would go a LONG way towards fixing this dysfunction.

Overhead stuff is fine. It’s just bench that my left shoulder hates. I can’t to dips either due to the collarbone

I could give it another shot

A physiotherapist would help a tonne. Nothing that can be done about the structural issue though, no matter what my left shoulder is always going to be put in a shit position on certain/most exercises. I just cant afford a physio so its not in the cards right now