Rippetoes vs Split

[quote]Gilligan7408 wrote:
Hi, was just wondering what would benefit me the most. I’m a 15 year old kid, i weight about 163 pounds, i don’t know my body fat but I’m pretty sure I’m skinny fat.[/quote]
At 15, I don’t give a flying squirrel’s ass what your bodyfat is, and neither should you. As long as you’re not Eric Cartman-obese, don’t sweat it.

The majority of people have a size/strength difference. It will start to sort itself out once you have some consistent training.

Even with a barbell, the stronger side won’t be able to cheat to help you lift it. That bar will end up crooked, you’ll notice, and you’ll work just as hard with the weaker side to complete the lift.

First step, two to three weeks of laying a general foundation:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Squat 2x15 (No weight, keep both feet flat on the floor.)

Push-up 2x15 (On your toes, go until the chest almost touches the floor.)

Lunge 2x15 (Alternate legs, 1 rep left/1 rep right.)

Pull-up 2x15 (Assisted, or front pulldown)

Plank 2x15-count (Hold the top part of a push-up, on the toes/arms straight, keep the whole body straight. Count to 15.)

Burpee/squat thrust 2x15

From there, moving onto Starting Strength would be a solid next step. But yeah, in the mean time, pick up a copy of the second edition and start learning about the program.

Two threads here that can also help: