Ripped to Shreds in One Month

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:

[quote]BorntoPose wrote:
I’m planning on running
A low carb diet for the time left and perform very mild cardio.
15 lbs or so should bring me down to about 10-12% bodyfat and I’m
Currently at 15-16%. [/quote]
Three months ago, you were under 11% bodyfat with a bench, squat, and deadlift all around the same, in the 300s. And already into your second cycle. At 19 years old.

Kiddo, I see big trouble in your near future. Your training, nutrition, and work ethic pretty much suck. Best of luck in the military. From what I hear, that’ll either sort you out or it’ll guarantee a tough time.[/quote]

I’m betting on short time.

Also, trying to lose a lot of weight before basic is a bad idea all around.

You lose even more when you get there. It sounds like the op needs some life counseling.