I have followed this guy for quite some time, very good dude. Very sad.

Bodybuilder Jerry Ward posted YouTube video hours before sudden death (

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I saw this on Dave Palumbo’s channel. I didn’t follow Jerry, but very sad, and only in his mid 40s.

Scary to me that he just thought he had done something to a rib. As someone with heartburn, it scares me that I might blow off the real thing as just being a bit of heartburn.

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Man, that just sucks.

People really need to understand that left side chest pain past 45 years old can be deadly serious. I had one at 47. Lost a friend a few months prior when he tried to sleep it off but never woke up.

Left side pain that spreads, especially through the shoulder and arm and/or up through the jaw is a red alert. Also when accompanied by nausea, weakness, diarrhea or general flu like symptoms.

This guy had hours and could have lived.