Right Side Is Messed Up: Winged Scapula, Drooped Shoulder, Weak Abs & Glutes

Hey. I’ve been dealing with this issues for a long time. I’ve been to many physiotherapists and a chiropractor but nothing seems to help.
I haven’t worked out “for real” in a long time, cause I just get depressed afterwards cause I cant work out for real.

I’ve just now on later years noticed that almost everything on the right side is messed up.

I started to notice I had winged scapula about 6 years ago.

  • My right scapula is winging, especially when pressing/pushing.
  • My right shoulder and clavicle is drooping.
  • I can’t feel so much connection in my right abs the way I do on my left side of abs. The left side is more developed. It’s a big difference in contraction.
  • My right leg/hip is outwardly rotated when laying down.
  • My right foot is turning outward most of the times.
  • I subconsciously find myself having my right leg and foot in front of my left food when resting while standing. Like I lean on my left when doing dishes or checking the freezer.
  • My right glute wont fire as well as my left

I can walk, and I live normally but I get pain sometimes during the days and I can’t work out.

The biggest problem is the winged scapula and drooped shoulder which makes me to not be able to work out at all, any upper body.

Can anybody see patterns?
I thought I’d just throw it out there somewhere online and maybe I can reach some people.

Thank you!

“I can’t feel so much connection in my right abs the way I do on my left side of abs. The left side is more developed. It’s a big difference in contraction.
My right leg/hip is outwardly rotated when laying down.
My right foot is turning outward most of the times.
I subconsciously find myself having my right leg and foot in front of my left food when resting while standing. Like I lean on my left when doing dishes or checking the freezer.
My right glute wont fire as well as my left”

Before you read, I have assumed that you have seen a good Chiropractic Doctor who has taken an EMG test to determine that you do not have a central nervous system issue. If it is a nervous system problem, the following information may not help.
This could be wrong as I am not looking at pictures of you, but based off of what you gave me -
Lateral Pelvic tilt. The right side of your pelvis is in a posterior tilt, and left side is neutral (in an anterior tilt in relation to the right). All of your issues could very well be stemming from this lateral tilt. I have seen this many times where this happens.
Fix lateral pelvic tilt -
#1 You need to do lateral stretches to help balance this out (stretch everything, and focus on whatever is tight, but focus on lower back muscles (QL and erector spinae) and obliques with rotational stretches and side bend stretches, glutes and piriformis, adductors) Be careful with the hip flexors and hamstrings because your pelvis will pull on the right hip flexor and it will be in a lengthened position and MIGHT feel tighter than the left. If you stretch this right hip flexor more than the left because of this, it will make things worse. Same thing goes for the opposite hamstring. So overall, you should stretch left hip flexor more than right, left low back and oblique muscles more than right, left adductor more than right, right hamstring more than left, right glutes and piriformis more than left, right TFL more than left.
#2 Do pelvic tilt drills - Learn what an anterior tilt feels like vs a posterior tilt and really understand how to shift your pelvis around.
#3 Even out strength imbalances in the following muscles that you stretched in step #1.
#4 Numbers one through three should be sufficient to even you out from core down. I would prefer to see your body before clarifying that the above information will help you. My email is austinkunch@gmail.com email me with pictures of you standing from front view, back view, and both sides view. Best of Luck

Hey! Thank you so much for your answer. I’m taking contact with you via email right now. Sending you some photos at this very moment.
Interested in what you have to say after the photos!
Thanks once again. Talk there!

Hi All,

I just wanted to check in to see if anyone has had any updates/success with this issue?

I seem to have something very similar going on (as well as atrophy of the right pectoral). It seems as though the scap is wonky and is trying to take over for activity my lat should be doing on the right side.