Return of the Muskrat

3 January 2018

Exercise Bike: 45 minutes

4 January 2018

Incline Bench Press 155-4x12

Assistance (50 reps each) {
Chest-Supported Row
Hanging Leg Raise
Single Leg Squat
Face Pull
Lateral Delt Raise

Barbell Curl 65-2x12

7 January 2018

Bench Press 210-3x5
Chest-Supported Row 4x10
Tricep Pushdown 4x10
Barbell Curl 4x10

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10 January 2018

Holy Volume, Batman!

Bench Press 215x5, 205x5, 195x5, rest pause 135x30,4,2
Lat Pulldown 120x10, 130x10, 170x5
Sumo Deadlift 135-2x20
Barbell Curls 65-10,8,6
Side Lateral Raise 15-2x10, 25-10
Overhead Plate Raise 25 lb plate x 30 reps
Band Pull-Aparts 100 reps

First back to school lifting session! One of my good friends was lifting with me and my brother, so we just decided to do a bunch of volume for fun.

I’m sticking to my goal of eating a good amount of vegetables and healthy foods. At Target yesterday, I checked out with 14 bananas, 7 apples, 12 frozen vegetable bags, peanut butter, milk, diet soda, peanuts, almonds, and assorted other goodies. Pair that with the frozen chicken and ham prepped in my freezer, and the gains are ready to roll.

I will post the program I intend to do during school in a bit. Essentially, it will be a Wendler 2x2x2 program with yoga on the mobility days (I’m doing Bikram yoga like ActivitiesGuy recommended). Should be good!

Here is what I’m thinking for my 2x2x2 set-up:

Wednesday / Thursday
Bench Press 5’s Pro + 5x5 @ SSL

Press 5’s Pro + 5x5 @ SSL

Yoga 2 days per week

Conditioning 2 days per week, composed of:
Hanging Leg Raises

I might modify it a bit, but this is my general plan.


You said that you had done a Master’s degree in political philosophy in an old thread that I was reading.

My friend and I are starting a political theory book club this semester, but we are having some trouble choosing books. Would you mind recommending some?

The general goal of the club (so far) is to gain a survey-level knowledge of various political systems and their perspectives.

Hey man, appreciate the shout out.

Majority of my focus was on western political theory, and specifically social contract theory. Primarily pulled from Hobbes’ Leviathan and Locke’s The Second Treatise of Civil Government. Along with that, for ushering in the political realism that brought out Hobbes and Locke, Machiavelli’s “The Prince” and Discourses are vital. Then, if you want to go classical, Plato’s Republic is the foundation of much western political thought.

To go along alternative theories on the development of government, Nietzsche’s “Genealogy of Morality” explores notions of slave morality vs master morality. Interesting exploration.

I can dig through my library at home for some more choice works, but those come to mind immediately for now.


Sweet! Thanks so much. In my ancient philosophy class, we read a decent amount of Plato, and I definitely enjoyed it (much easier to understand than Aristotle; he reads like an index). My friend has a good grounding in Marx, Engels, Lenin, and some critical theory guys that I can’t understand. However, his knowledge is pretty limited In other areas. I really appreciate the recommendations.

Beginning 2x2x2 (from 5/3/1 Forever) starting… NOW!

Training Maxes:
Press: 140
Bench Press: 215

14 January 2018

Press 90x5, 105x5, 115x5, 90-5x10
Sumo Deadlift 135-2x20
Chin-Ups 50 reps
Dumbbell Curl 3x20
Side Lateral Raise 4x20
Dips 20 reps
Leg Extensions 40 reps
Band Pull-Aparts 100 reps

Progress photos so far (all of these were taken sometime this week; one was taken after my haircut). I am currently a bit under 200 lbs bodyweight with a bodyfat around 18% (just a guess based on how I look in the pictures). I will refer to these pictures after a year or two of 5/3/1 to see how much muscle I have gained.

My assessment is that my quads are my most glaring weakpoint. Lateral delts, triceps, abs, and chest also need work. Bodyfat is a bit high, but I can work on decreasing that a bit after I get my press and my bench press higher.

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That booty thicc

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Thank you, my good man.

When I was working at Subway, I got a bunch of compliments on it (the ladies love to see that a man with a thicc arse is carefully crafting their Italian BMT). Unfortunately, it also caused my pants size to go from around a 30-32 to a 36 haha.

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Damn dude. But did you put your number on a piece of paper then put it in there sub?

I love subway. would love to give the hot chick’s there a 6 inch sub lol :wink:

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I’m laughing my ass off :joy::joy::joy:

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16 January 2018

Calisthenics Warm-Up: 10 minutes

Yoga: 30 minutes

Damn that back, I’m impress!

I’m in for the gainz !

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Thanks man; glad to have you!

I just checked out your log. Good stuff. I’ll be following.

17 January 2018

Bench Press:
135x5, 160x5, 180x5,
(singles) 195, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255,

Chest-Supported Row 6x10
Leg Press 4x15

19 January 2018

Prowler (85 lbs) on grass
8 x 40 yards