Retaining LBM While Using HOT-ROX

As an over 35 lifter getting a little more serious now that I have eased my way back into pretty serious workouts,I had a question regarding HOT-ROX. I am supplementing my B-6 intake with 300mg every day with breakfast,also using a post workout muscle recovery drink.Results have been very good except for trouble losing fatty area around waistline even thru watching what and how I eat!

Is HOT-ROX the fat burner that will help me get rid of that trouble spot while helping retain the LBM I have gained??

There is no such thing as spot reduction, but if you lift heavy and do mainly compund exercises supplement with HOT-ROX and MOST IMPORTANTLY eat clean, it will definitely help you out. But chances are, is that your diet is the problem.

[quote]mike08042 wrote:
There is no such thing as spot reduction, but if you lift heavy and do mainly compund exercises supplement with HOT-ROX and MOST IMPORTANTLY eat clean, it will definitely help you out. But chances are, is that your diet is the problem.[/quote]

In addition to that, it sounds like his entire concept of training is off. No one just loses their stomach. You lose fat all over by DIETING. In guys, often the fat around the mid section is the last to go. That means you have to lose weight.

We can better help if you pass on some details about your diet/workout. HotRox does seem to help retain even build muscle while on restricted calories.

Abdominal fat IS usually the last to go so you will need to lose fat over your entire body but that shouldn’t be too difficult. Let me/us know some details.

[quote]bs67bird wrote:
Results have been very good except for trouble losing fatty area around waistline even thru watching what and how I eat!

Are you taking finasteride (propecia/proscar)or dutasteride (avodart)?

While you can’t spot reduce, HOT-ROX is about the best fat burner I’ve used.