Rest-Pause Levels and Combinations


I found an old article from you where do you talk about low volume training. You gave this classification:

Level 0
1-2 reps short of muscle failure Regular set short of failure

Level 1
Muscle failure Regular set to failure

Level 2
1 step beyond failure with lower weight.
Regular set to failure + drop 50%

Level 3
1 step beyond failure with same weight.
Regular set to failure + rest/pause

Level 4
2 steps beyond failure with lower weight on both steps.
Regular set to failure + drop 50% + drop 50%

Level 5
2 steps beyond failure, same weight on first step, lower weight on second step
Regular set to failure + rest/pause + drop 50%

Level 6
2 steps beyond failure, same weight on both steps
Regular set to failure + rest/pause + static hold

Level 7
3 steps beyond failure with lower weight on all three steps
Regular set to failure + drop 50% + drop 50% + drop 50%

Level 8
3 steps beyond failure with same weight on first step and lower weight on the other two
Regular set to failure + rest/pause + drop 50% + drop 50%

Level 9
3 steps beyond failure with same weight on first 2 steps and lower weight on the third step
Regular set to failure + rest/pause + static hold + drop 50%

Level 10
3 steps beyond failure with same weight on all three steps
Regular set to failure + rest/pause + static hold + slow negatives

Is still worth it with your current applications?

I also like a lot an earlier article where you put 4 examples about R/P (omnicontraction, stage, death, and so on). I’m getting very motivated and I experimented with all of them, but I would like to know if it’s possible to know a little easy classification according your experience and effectiveness or is something individual.


Can you provide a link to those articles?

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Huh. Interesting. Thought I’d read all CTs articles. Curious where I fall on the 80% test.
I wonder if he still holds to this or if his experience has led in a different direction.