Republican and African Americans

A main reason inner city schools suck. Teachers unions don’t give a damn about students.

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Both KIPP and YES College Prep serve inner-city students and succeed well beyond most public schools.

Because they aren’t supposed to care about students as they represent teachers. Students have parents, the board of Ed, politicians, parents, the state, parents. Your complaint is as silly as complaining that defense attorneys don’t care about their clients’ alleged victims.

And inner city schools suck because the inner city sucks. Most of the teachers care more about the students than their parents. They provide school supplies, food and even clothes out of pocket. And project veritas? Really?

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Can they expel students? Do they perform better than public schools in the suburbs? Are they transparent?

Why would you want to watch crooked people brag about exploits on hidden camera? That sort of muckraking journalism is so out of vogue. What you really want is talking heads in makeup parroting whatever their editors tell them to.

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So Fox News is for me?

The states with the strongest unions also have the best performing students. Hmmmm…

Compare NJ to Mississippi. Massachusetts to Louisiana.

I was thinking of introducing some of the kids in my old neighborhood to stem fields. I was thinking of fundraising a field trip to some science museums and a campus visit to a med school. I went on a field trip to one during my senior year of high school and I had a blast. The doctors showed us around the school, we even got to check out the cadavers and got to hold a couple organs including ones that have been were affected by diseases like cancer and etc.

growing up there I never really heard of any of the kids in my area talk about joining stem fields in the future. so I’m interested in introducing the kids to these fields. Let them know about other career fields besides sports based careers and music ones.

High school stem programs honestly are pretty helpful in the long run. Sadly some school districts can’t fund them as much. I went to a high school in a rich district that offered a lot of stem courses.

Apparently I owe an apology. Help me out with sarcasm tags, people. I still read it literally.

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Man, I still read this as “what liberals think conservatives believe.”

I think it’s because I have never voluntarily listened to a rap song since Run DMC joint ventured with Aerosmith.

Much of modern rap make liberal’s worst white conservative guy stereotypes seem downright quaint by comparison.

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I forgot to add in gun culture.

And it was a joke about what liberals think all conservatives believe yet, ignore those same things when it’s from a rapper.

OK. Yo comprendo ahora. Recuerdo que el inglés no es mi primer idioma.

(Neither is Spanish. Just helping a daughter with homework and it was coming back to me.)

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Recuerde. Polite form of the imperative.

Sure, the inner-city kids have it rough, but some of you are really underestimating how difficult it is for immigrants to assimilate. Our culture is pretty messed up.

Kanye Update. My kids showed this to me yesterday. While I’m not a Rap person… And I don’t know if Kanye is a Conservative or what. I’m not sure he knows what his political views are… but one thing is for sure. He is a musical GENIUS. Poopdy Scoop.


Life changing.

I was talking to my son about this, and we decided this is like Warhol painting a Campbell soup can. Is it art, or is it a soup can? Is Warhol making fun of artists, or doing something more profound, deconstructing art. Or is it a reaction to the idea that art needs to be abstract, or poking fun at the modern artists who were doing all the abstract work, paint splashes, geometric shapes, etc…?

Rappers are known for their clever wordsmith skills, turn of phrase… And Kanye just sort of deconstructed that, got really loose with the conventions of his genre.

End of artistic critique. Lol.

I’m inclined to think he’s doing this…but I haven’t listened to Kanye since the early 2000s so…

I assume he’s just goofing around. And hey, he got a middle-aged mom who never listens to his music to listen to his song and talk about it. He’s got a new album out. Funny.

This is comparing it to earlier phrases from R & B Songs. skit-dat-dee and do-whop, or ba-ba-re-bop, spo-dee-o-dee.