Strong and Conditioned (ChongLordUno)

I’ll give it a shot. I’m definitely not jumping off with OMAD a la you, but I’ll start pushing off my first meal and hold carbs until after lifting.

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Struggled to wake up for this.

Have caught a bad cold which has been brought into the household by my son who has started back at school.

Dropped the cardio as I don’t have the energy at all.

Spent this morning cutting this up which I intend to eat at some point today


73kg flyes? Beast mode!

No chance. That’s a mistake :relaxed:

They’re done on a machine

Had a look and that programme looks intense.

I’m a huge fan of tripe and offal (my wife, despite my repeated attempts is still yet to become a believer), but there is just so much goodness and nutrients in there. I am a firm believer in eating as varied a diet as possible - just has to have benefits. I can’t believe we evolved to only eat the nice clean steaks most people prefer now.

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Agree with everything bar the tripe

My great gran used to eat it. The image of her 94 year old tripe soaked lips put me off that shit for life :joy:


Started the cardio back up.

Could have kept this one chugging however had to put the wee man to bed


Glad you’re able to incorporate conditioning again. How long’s CD?

12 weeks mate. Wish me luck!

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Meant to say.

Lamb hearts were sublime. Slow cooker for 5 hours on high with just a wee bit of gravy.


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With two kids and a missus, it’ll be a juggling act, but you’ve got this!


Felt that this workout lacked a little va va voom.

Going to have to up the weight next one and drive those bitch ass muscles home !!!


Trying to burn the butter as per


I don’t know how in the hell you did this one in under an hour

Gym opens at 6am and I need to be home for at least 7.15 to get my wee girl out of bed.

The threat of a raging missus means that I am not messing about.

In saying that, I would definitely be able to push harder if I could take my time.


Never logged triceps

Banged out 3 x 15 on double rope pulldowns

God knows how I’m gonna manage to finish this program on these crazy time constraints

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People on here swear by slow cookers. We bought one and generally consider ourselves pretty proficient in the kitchen. Not one thing we have cooked in it tastes any good - can never get the liquid to reduce and just seem to end up with tough meat - even when we go on the lowest setting and the slowest cooking option.

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