Reboot: Training Log


Strength Training Session - 4:00pm

2x12: bodyweight

4x3: 95kg

OHP/Band Pull Apart w/ External Rotatiom
4x3: 40kg
4x10: band

Neutral Grip Pull Ups/Dips/Standing Single Arm External Rotation
4x5: 7.5kg
4x5: 10kg
4x10 each shoulder: band

Boxing Session - 5:00pm

Few of the lads are always in early (session starts 5:30) so today coach decided we should do sprints instead of waiting around… dickhead

Few laps round gym+dynamic stretches
15 minutes various distance sprints, was gassed before the session even started then I got hit with sparring, best day ever
1x5 Shadowboxing
Few more laps round gym with some exercises and quick drills thrown in

4x2 Sparring: Did 3 rounds with a new partner, he was about 10kg lighter so it wasn’t full power, coach was getting me to focus on my defense and to believe in it more. I was fitter than he was so I dominated the last rounds, it was good practice stringing combinations together quickly not at full power.

Did one round with a lad ave been in with a few times, wasn’t a hard round mainly focusing on the defense and hand speed. Also landed a body shot, not sure what it actually was, that limited the other lads ability to box. I wasn’t going for this but it felt good to know I could do it without specifically aiming for it.

Did a drill where one person was in the corner defending for 5 seconds not throwing anything back, coach shouts go then one in corner has to get out and other one has to keep them in the corner. Did that 3 times each.
Did ‘King of the Ring’ where one person has to stay in the middle, can’t move back only pivot or small step inside centre ring and the other has to get them out of the centre. Did that for 1 minute each.

3x2 Partner Pads: 1-2-slip-slip working on basics
Bodyweight circuit to finish, legs were in pain

This is true. I have got better at this but it’s definitely something I still sideline in my youthful arrogance. Done a little research into this, found it hard to get any specific information; if its not too much to ask could you point me towards some resources/information @Sentoguy. Thanks for the input, always looking for ways to improve.


My understanding of prehab/injury prevention work has been most strongly influenced by Coach Christopher Sommer. He was the first person I’ve heard point out the differences/discrepancies between the rate of regeneration/adaptation of different types of tissues and about the necessity to balance out strength and mobility for long term health and injury prevention (and to have a ridiculously impressive track record of producing, for lack of a better word “bulletproof” crazy impressive athletes).

Here is an interview with him in which he talks about some prehab concepts. Google him and you’ll find more at his website and elsewhere as well.

Coach Sommer - Gymnastic Bodies, Tendon strength, business #7 - YouTube


@Sentoguy, thanks for the link will watch as soon as I get the chance.


3 Mile Run - 5:25pm

Legs felt heavy, still hadn’t recovered from last week so decided to take it easy and have a deload week.


Boxing Session - 5:30pm

Laps round gym+dynamic stretches
5x2 Shadowboxing
1x30 Partner Pads: working basic defenses
30 seconds lateral jump over hurdle then 30 seconds shadowboxing for total 6 minutes
Little bodyweight circuit to finish

Nice easy session for the deload week, got lucky


Strength Training Session - 1:30pm

4x3: 65kg

4x3: 60kg


Did a boxing/conditioning session last Friday, nothing special, got lucky all the sessions were easy last week on the deload.

Strength Training - 4:10pm

3x3: 100kg

OHP/Band Pull Apart w/ External Rotation
3x3: 45kg

Neutral Grip Pull Ups/Dips
3x5: 7.5kg
3x5: 10kg

Standing Single Arm External Rotation
3x10 each shoulder

Increased the intensity a little and dropped the total reps, felt much better than 4x3 at a lighter weight

Boxing Session - 5:15pm

Think its going to be a regular thing, doing sprints before the session actually starts. It’s only gonna be good for my fitness but the coach is still a dickhead.

3 fast laps round gym
10 minutes different distance sprints only resting 30 secs to a minute

1x8 Shadowboxing+exercises every few minutes
1x20 Bag Drills: was a hard graft session
Circuit: Hip switches, running or jumping over hurdle, an excercise (press up, burpee etc)
30 secs on each then plank for 30 secs x4
2 fast laps round gym
Bodyweight circuit, hit the core hard

Also, had a look at that interview, said some interesting things about high rep bodyweight exercises, they make up a large part of the boxing sessions which is encouraging.

Had a look on his website as well and it had some good resources, thanks for the tip sentoguy.



In work so couldn’t get to the gym in the morning…

Boxing Session - 5:30pm

Few laps around gym+a few rounds of shadow and dynamic stretches.

1x30 Partner Pads: working on body shots
3x2: sparring with a more experienced lad from another gym who was a few kg heavier and he battered me, I just kept walking forward taking all his shots on my guard, he got about 10 clean shots in 3 rounds. I was stepping too far out of the pocket so I wan’t in range to hit back, I hit him with a few good right hands but it was one-sided. Good learning experience though.
Stretch off


Strength Session - 1:20pm

3x3: 65kg

Bench Press/Dumbbell Row
3x3: 60kg
3x5: 27.5kg dumbbells

Band Pull Aparts w/ External Rotation


Strength Session - 9:50pm

Front Squat
3x3: 55kg, 55kg, 57.5kg (they were super deep literally ass to grass)

Barbell Row/Band Pull Apart w/ External Rotation
3x5: 70kg

Boxing Session - 4:30pm

Few laps round gym then 4x2 on the ropes with 10 second sprints and exercises in the break
6x2 Bags
4x2 Pads: working on specific things


Strength Session - 4:25pm

3x3: 100kg

OHP/Band Pull Apart w/ External Rotation
3x3: 45kg

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
3x5: 20kg dumbbells

Started to realise my overhead pressing strength decreases fairly quickly compared to all my other lifts which are still solid, so I added a little more volume on the pressing movement. Also after doing more recovery/prehab/mobility work my joints feel as good as I can remember.

Boxing Session - 5:30pm

Laps round gym and shadowboxing with dynamic stretches+exercises

1x45 Partner Pads: Was a big long tech session which was alright because I didn’t feel like getting beat up today. Did a drill where one pads one punches and one holds a glove and hits the person who’s punching to simulate getting ht back while you punch. It sounds stupid but it worked really well
1x3 Body Spar: about 10-15 of us in the ring and it was a free for all, only body shots, was hilarious. We’ve got lads who are 50kg and about 5ft and lads who are 6’2 and 90kg so it was all fun.
Little bodyweight circuit to finish, nothing too strenuous.

Also, I finally got my medical card last week, which means I’m ‘fit to box’. Our gyms having a show on May 4th, and I might or might not be fighting on it, I have not idea but I’m not getting my hopes up. Either way I’m going to train as if I’m going to fight.


3 Mile Run - 8:20pm

3x2 Shadowboxing
Last accurately recorded time was 23:19, today was 22:23 @ (roughly) 7:30 per mile

Missed a few sessions the last couple of weeks and I find it’s usually my run time that suffers the most but I think today I learnt that missing a few sessions has a bigger psychological effect than a physical one if that makes any sense.


Boxing Session - 5:30pm

Laps round gym+2x2 shadowboxing to warm up

Incline sprints x5 maybe around 75 metres
5x2 Shadowboxing: focusing on moving in and out
1x15 Partner Pads: same as shadow
4x2 Bags: two normal rounds, two doing some conditioning drills
Bodyweight circuit to finish, they get easier everytime

Weighed in at 71.1kg, new low. Only 1kg or so to go.



Strength Training - 9:35am

Back Squat
3x3: 70kg

Bench Press/TRX Row/Band Pull Aparts w/ External Rotation
3x3: 65kg
3x10: bodyweight
3x10: band

Front Squat/Standing Single Arm External Rotation
3x3: 50kg
3x10 each shoulder

Max rep pull ups - 12 think I probably could have got 15

Boxing/Conditioning Session - 5:00pm

1x5 Ropes: with 10 second sprints
1x6 Shadowboxing
6x2 Bags
2x2 Double End Bag

10 Press Ups
10 TRX Rows
Sled Sprints w/10kg load 10m x4
10 Leg Raises


Boxing Session - 10:00am

4x2 Shadowboxing+dynamic stretches and little circuit to warm up

6x2 Partner Pads
8x2 Bags
1x2 Pads

Did various different drill on bags+partner pads all working on changing distance, from long to close and vice versa.

Bodyweight circuit to finish. The Saturday sessions are with a different coach and they used to put me on me ass but they’re getting easier (sessions are in general) which is my main indicator of conditioning improving/deteriorating. They are still a fucking nightmare but I don’t feel like I’m going to lose control of my bodily fluids anymore.


Strength Training - 4:10pm

4x2: 105kg

OHP/Band Pull Aparts w/ External Rotation
3x3: 45kg, 47.5kg, 47.5kg

Dumbbell Shoulder Press/Standing Single Arm External Rotation
3x5: 20kg dumbbells
3x10 each shoulder

Boxing Session - 5:30pm

Laps round gym+dynamic stretches

2x2 Shadowboxing
1x2 Footwork Drill
1x25 Partner Drills: did these with a gumshield like a light tech spar was good
4x2 Bags
1x2 Pads
Bodyweight circuit to finish

Everything was to do with moving your feet in as you throw, felt like I learned a lot from the session.



3 Mile Run - 11:05am

Went a comfortable pace all the way round, didn’t feel like pushing it and came in at 22:54. Was quite happy with this because the pace felt easy.


Circuit Training Session - 10:55am

KB Swings @20kg
Press Ups
TRX Rows
Sled Sprints @15kg load

Each one for 25 seconds, 5 seconds between exercises x4
5 minutes on the bike to cool down

Boxing Session - 5:30pm

Laps round gym+dynamic stretches and a few warm up drills
3x2 Shadowboxing
2x2 Bags
2x2 Pads: felt sharp and calm today
4x2 Ropes: with 10 second sprints
2x2 Partner Pads

All of this was done working on moving in and taking centre of the ring. Felt snappy and fit today, was a positive session.



Strength Training - 2:35pm

3x3: 70kg, 70kg, 75kg

Bench Press/Band Pull Apart w/ External Rotation
3x3: 65kg, 65kg, 67.5kg

Standing Single Arm External Rotation
3x10 each shoulder


Boxing Session - 3:30pm

1x5 Ropes
Dynamic stretches
3x2 Shadowboxing
4x2 Sparring: Was with one lad who was 60kg and another who was 54kg so I was the heaviest there by over 10kg.
Went fairly well coach said my defense was great, but I don’t move my feet in when I throw so I’m always coming short. I didn’t really have this problem with the 54kg lad because I was so much bigger, but the other lad is much taller.

2x2 Shadow
2x2 Ropes
Circuit: overhead press @17.5kg
Tire Flips w/ Jump
Sled Sprints @5kg
20 seconds on each, 15 seconds rest x3


Boxing Session - 10:00am

3x3 Ropes
6x2 Shadow
2x2 Pads: with a pro for one round who is my weight, he’s 8-0 or 9-0, koed his last opponent in the first rnd. Standing across the ring from him before the rnd started was scary… hahaha. Good rounds though
3x2 Partner Pads: partner kept making me do 1-2-right hook the body which felt really weird
3x2 Bags
Bodyweight circuit to finish, was struggling to finish the clap press ups



Strength+Boxing Conditioning Session - 4:00pm (normal 5:30pm class was cancelled so just snowballed it all into one session)

3x3: 112.5kg

OHP/Band Pull Aparts w/ External Rotation
3x3: 47.5kg, 47.5kg, 50kg

Dumbbell Shoulder Press/Wide Grip Pull Ups
3x5: 20kg, 22.5kg, 22.5kg
3x5: bodyweight

Standing Single Arm External Rotation
3x10 each shoulder

1x6 Shadowboxing
3x5 Bags
1x2 Double End Bag
1x6 Ropes

Circuit: Sled Sprints @10kg
Squats x10
Press Ups x10
Did that x3 then did max effort sled sprints without the load once


Circuit Training Session - 11:15am

KB Swings @20kg
Dumbbell Push Press @12.5kg dumbbells
KB Sumo Squat/Deadlift @20kg
Renegade Rows @12.5kg dumbbells

30 seconds each, 5 seconds between exercises x4

Band Pull Aparts w/ External Rotation/Standing Single Arm External Rotation
3x10 each shoulder

Boxing Session - 5:45pm

Laps round gym+3x3 shadowboxing to warm up

5x2 Sparring: Went to another gym to spar. Did 3 rounds with a lad who’s come to our gym to spar me a couple of weeks ago ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Went a lot better today, felt like I was learning every round. Did the last two rounds with two different lads who were smaller and didn’t hit anywhere near as hard as the first lad. The last minute of the last round I got too tired and just sat back and took everything he had on the gloves but I was quite happy I lasted that long.


Strength Session - 12:05pm

Back Squat
3x3: 70kg, 72.5kg, 72.5kg

Bench Press/Band Pull Aparts w/ External Rotation
3x3: 65kg, 65kg, 67.5kg

Speed Front Squats/Box Jumps
3x3: 40kg

Med Ball Chest Pass/Standing Single Arm External Rotation
3x4: 15kg
3x10 each shoulder


Tempo Intervals - 11:05am

15 seconds @75% then 45 seconds jog x12

Boxing Session - 4:45pm

3x2 Shadowboxing
2x2 Ropes
Bodyweight circuit to warm up
Footwork drills for 30mins then another bodyweight circuit to finish

4x2 Sparring: with lighter kids, wasn’t feeling great today, still bruised an beat up from Wednesday. Didn’t go awfully though.
1x4 Ropes


Boxing Session - 10:00am

1x5 Ropes with 10+15 second sprints
Bodyweight circuit+2x2 shadowboxing and dynamic stretches

5x2 Partner Pads
Bodyweight circuit for 2x2 with race around block after both rounds
6x2 Bags: various drills
Bodyweight circuit to finish.

Any idea when your 1st fight will be!?

No idea mate. Soon I hope :slight_smile:

Our gyms got an amateur show on 4th May which I am 99% sure I won’t be boxing on and there’s usually a few months between our gym’s shows. However there is a possibility I could be matched to box on another clubs show. In Britain our amateur boxing season finishes around June I think so I’ll either be boxing within the next 2 months or not for a while.

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