Reasons Why I'm a Christian, and So Should You

I can come up with at least one explanation for it. Here it is…

God has a sense of humor.

Man could we get a religion sub forum? These all play out the exact same

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But as far as the best one, we have Christianity. Christianity is, was, and will always be a centerpiece of western civilization. Even the whole world if you want to stretch it a bit.

The best proof for that, in my opinion, are people’s testimonies.

I once posed a question in a Christian forum asking how on earth I could convert people to Christianity. Their response was mostly “let the Holy Spirit do the work.” But there was a second thing that they said, which was this… Live a great life and let your faith and blessings do the talking

Thank you.

I agree.

Because they’re a bunch of arrogant fucktards who think they know everything.

I think that Pascal’s Wager provides a compelling argument for faith. That’s my opinion.

Fear is a powerful and useful emotion. It helps us puny humans to stay on the path of righteousness. If we murder someone, we get raped in prison. And in the case of Christianity, if we stray out of Christ, we get annihilated (I don’t believe in a literal, tortuous hell).

Atheism is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Atheists believe that there is no afterlife, and that is exactly what they’ll get. Unbelievers will be judged and acquire the second death. Christians live forever in the kingdom of God.

This would actually be the exact opposite of faith. You engage in Pascal’s Wager in the absence of faith; not its presence.


Faith is not a state of mind. It’s an action. You become a man of faith when you announce, preferably by mouth, that you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and believe in His life and His teachings. And that you acknowledge your sinful ways and are willing to redeem yourself.

There’s a better way:

“Preach the Gospel. Use words if necessary.”

St. Francis (Attributed, albeit probably inaccurately so)


That is a silly thing you have said.

Me? Which one?

So, are you a Christian?

The thing I replied to.

I don’t think it is.

I am, yes.

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I know.


I am a fellow Christ Follower and am glad you have received Christ and the Holy Spirit into your life. We are to evangelize in every way possible spreading The Gospel and be ready to give reasons why we believe Christ is our Savior but I think you are going about it in a direction that isn’t evangelical. If you are going to evangelize to non-believers then why not give an account of how Christ came into your life and how you became a new creation yourself. Everyone can sit here all day and talk / type about science, creation and evolution but in the end it’s all about believing through Faith and not by sight. One doesn’t just decide to “try” Christianity, it’s about surrendering and obeying Christ and his teachings as well as believing He died for our sins so that we may inherit the kingdom of Heaven someday. While there is reason to witness over the internet, I would certainly spend more time and energy witnessing to those around you at the gym as opposed to an online fitness forum.

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Can someone please explain to me why terms “Christianity” and “evolution” in the US are mutually exclusive?

Are Catholics Christians? What about Eastern Orthodox? Nestorians? Or are they Christians with a lower case c?

Ever heard of this guy? Was he also a Christian?


Good point. And very well said. Thank you.

Because merging Christianity with science is considered liberal. At least I think so.

I’m a young-earth creationist. I believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible’s Genesis.

There are Christians who in fact believe that the earth is more than 4 billion years old. It makes no difference. What matters is our hearts.

Ok, let’s assume that you acknowledge the heliocentric array of the solar system and that Earth is…well… round (flattened at the poles but let’s not nitpick).

How do you measure the first day if the Earth was created on the second?

How long was the first day? “Day” is defined as a complete revolution of a planet (Earth in this case) around its axis.

How do you measure “day” based on a celestial body that doesn’t exist yet? What about other planets in the Solar System? Their “days” are different…

And liberal is bad?


Wow… That’s a good question. Pretty compelling. I’m not being sarcastic. I really think you brought a up a great point. I’ll look into it some more.

To me, liberal isn’t bad. But it’s “normative”, if you know what I mean. I would go so far as to call it cowardly. Being liberal to me is like being embarrassed of the plain Biblical teachings. To me, there should be zero compromise. If you’re a Christian, go all the way. Be bold. God doesn’t reward half-assed behaviors.

Here’s a quote from Niccolo Machiavelli:

I certainly think that it is better to be impetuous than cautious, for fortune is a woman, and it is necessary, if you wish to master her, to conquer her by force; and it can be seen that she lets herself be overcome by the bold, rather than by those who proceed coldly. And therefore, like a woman, she is always a friend to the young, because they are less cautious, fiercer, and master her with greater audacity.