Realistic TRT Recomp Progress

Will dick pics work?

Just kidding. I’ll do some face chopping and put one up. I know I’m higher body fat than you but didn’t think I would be that close to you

edit: I looked at a few pictures on google and that actually seems pretty close. I don’t think I’m under 15% but am under 20% for sure so that’s in the ballpark. That’s so weird that it can figure that out.

Not bad for my McDonald’s a Reece’s diet. I reallly need to eat better.

I don’t even alternate sides. Just 30g 1/2" into left delt 3x a week. It never hurts and is never sore so I never bothered switching sides and trying to inject left handed. I may switch eventually, we shall see

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When the bio-impedience scales first came out ( I believe that is the type you are discussing) I was told hydration levels can throw them off. So I have always questioned them but do think they could be useful if you were consistent with your hydration levels for the most part. They may be a lot more accurate now then they were also.

My body fat % is quite pathetic right now and slowly working on it. Probably close if not over 25%. I have pics in my thread 38, Tired and Frustrated - #130 by rise80.

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I use 29g 1/2" alternating sides in the delt and thighs.

You guys should consider getting a DEXA scan. Mine was only $45 and took about 5 minutes. Very accurate since it measures tissue density and isnt really reliant on hydration, etc.

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I’ve found the scale is pretty close to DEXA – within 1-2%.

DEXA said I was at 19% here (a couple years ago), and that looks about right to my eye (maybe low 20s).

The scale says I’m at 14% here, and that looks pretty accurate (again, maybe 1-2% low, so 15ish).
c9344b887e055e644edba895590aba01688b2596_2_475x500 (1)

Neither method is perfect, but obviously the scale is way more convenient. I do it at the same time each day (upon waking) so hydration is constant. It’s mainly just good for tracking trends; I don’t need it to be precise, but it does have a good grip on when I’m gaining/losing BF.

I’ve been in a surplus, and the scale has been super useful for showing I’m not gaining weight/BF too quickly, which is a mistake all of us have made – turning into a marshmallow in the name of a ‘bulk’ :slight_smile:

It definitely is quick and not terribly inconvenient. My last one was $70, so it can get pricey if you do it regularly.

You look just like my best friend, and he just tested at 30%. I don’t mean to discourage you. You definitely have a lot of good quality LBM under there – you’ll have an awesome physique when you shed the outer layer. A lot of people put on some fluff at this time of year, not that big of a deal.

Photos are surprisingly accurate when it comes to gauging BF. I think the eye test is just as good if not better than many of these measurement systems – provided the eye test is coming from someone who actually cares about this shit like the guys on these forums, lol. People sometimes ask in person what I think their BF is. I usually lie a little bit to spare their ego.

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No it doesnt discourage me anymore then I already am lol. It wouldnt suprise me either. I know having muscle under there makes me appear a little leaner then I really am.

There’s definitely a big appearance difference between someone at 30% with muscle and someone at 30% who has no gains and is all fluff. It just looks way better on the person with muscle.

What bf% am I? I ate crap and didn’t get to workout for almost 6 weeks post surgery. This is 2 weeks back in the gym and I have love handles…

5’9 187lbs

For some reason I just cannot got my head right with dieting. I know what I am supposed to be doing but cant get the will power for sticking with it.

You’re built like Joe Rogan, which is a compliment. At 5’9" you’re heavier than me (and I’m 5 inches taller), so you definitely have a lot of LBM. I’d say 18%. It wouldn’t take you long in a deficit to lose the love handles and get the lower abs really showing.

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That man bun ‘tho


Lol I only where it like that at the gym. It’s a pony tail


@dextermorgan - VAR > love handles. Just say’n. :slight_smile:

I actually don’t mind having love handles. Hell, at 42 that’s the last thing on my mind! Lol

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What’s the birds name?

Rocky. He’s a little terrorist


A terrifying terrorist?


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