Real Gironda Workouts

Hi Christian I hope you’re doing well. I was hoping you might be able to clear up some confusion I’m having with putting together a workout program using Girondas 6X6 and 8x8 methods. I’ve seen so many conflicting workout plans of his (some showing 6 compound moves for the whole body using 6x6 for all of them which sounds brutal) and then other so called sculpting working that still had say 4 compound upper body moves then two more single joint moves but all the exercises using the 6x6 or 8x8 protocol. That seems again like a ton of work.

I of course want to do enough to stimulant hypertrophy but not so much work that I can’t function well the rest of the day ha. So in your opinion when using girondas 6x6 or 8x8 protocol do you feel using it for day 2 big exercises is enough or would that not be enough total volume given the loads not that high. I was thinking more two upper body days and two lower body days a week as that usually fits well with my schedule. So my thinking was one press and one pull for 8x8 each upper body day (then accessory moves after for less volume maybe rest pause style) and the same on lower body days (one more hip dominant move one quad dominant etc).

Day 1
Upper body
Incline Press 8x8
Seated Row 8x8
Accessory work (face pulls, curls etc for volume)

Lower body
Back Squat 8x8
Leg Curls 8x8
Accessory work (calves, abs etc for volume)

Then switch up the moves for the other two training days in the week but similar format. Thanks again for any guidance. I wouldn’t ask for a full routine just trying to an idea of how best to set up Gironda style workouts using an upper body/lower body split.

I wrote one article on Vince Gironda something ilike 8 years ago. I do not consider myself an expert in his type of training. I will gladly answer questions about my approaches, principles I have been teaching or more general training questions but I normally don’t answer questions about other people’s systems.

But right from the start, this can’t be a Gironda program because Gironda NEVER used squats or bench presses.

Understood. Thank you for the quick reply. I do appreciate it.