Ready for the Shredded Diet?

Before my deployment I was 120lbs. benchin 100lbs. Now 150lb. benchin 185. I have 3 months of solid work out time till I go back home, Do you think Im in shape enough for the get shredded in 6 days program for when I get home.

yeah, you are “ready” for it, but you’ll look like an idiot when you’re done if you do it. instead, put on another 30 pounds and then think about the shredded in 6 days program.
why waste this opportunity for muscle gain? you will still be noticeably stronger when you return if you have put on all the weight you say you have, even if you aren’t shredded. and if you DO strip off the fat, it’ll only be more evident that you have barely any muscle. instead, focus on gaining muscle!

I take it this is a pic at 150lbs? You already look quite lean. I don’t think you’ll look better “shredded”. I’d go with LiarPantsOnFire’s advice.

Yeah your right, with the improvements I have seen in the past month alone, Ill just keep on adding weight, I think Im on the right track…

Do you want a rating of your physique or an answer to your question?

Both, I have an answer to my question now you guys can go ahead and pick my skinny ass apart lol. Ive come a really long ways in a short amount time though… Id be happy to submit a before pic from a few months ago though if that will help.

id keep on bulking, you are lean as it is,

and yea lets see the progress, show the before pic

Shit, you can visibly see your sternum, and you want to cut!?!? GTFO

Yeah, last week I upped my chest workouts to twice a week to try and fight that. Ill post my b4 pics tomorrow gotta have the wife email one to me, got none in Iraq…

She sent me one, this was me 3 months and 20 lbs ago while I was at home on leave.

Good improvements thus far though… how tall are you??


no you’re not ready for the get shredded diet. bone doesn’t get shredded

How can we rate your physique when all we can see is half of your upper body? Read the rules.

Sorry bout that… jumped in too fast. Im in Iraq without a camera so gotta take these with my computer…

One for traps…

Ill get one up for legs later tonight kinda out of time, gotta do that job thing…

As for stats 5’8’’ 150lbs.
Bench- 185max
Squat-160 never really went for a max but I will on my next leg day and get back to you guys on it.
I know im pretty much the opposite of what you guys want to see on this site but Im tired of hearing all the bull shit advice from the guys who think they know something. Everything I have learned so far has come from this site and its paying off big time. Everything they tell me is the opposite of what I learn here.
Here is an example of one week.

Monday- Shoulders/ Forearms
Clean and Press- 20/ 12/ 10/ 8
Reverse Overhead Dumbell Laterals- 20/ 14/ 12/ 10
Bent Over Cable Laterals- 12/ 10/ 8
Reverse Barbell Wrist Curls- 12/ 10/ 10
Barbell Wrist Curls- 12/ 10/ 10

Tuesday- Legs/ Calves
Front Squats- 12/ 10/ 8
Machine Squats- 16/ 12/ 10/ 8
Single Machine Leg Curls- 16/ 12/ 10 /8
Calf Raises- 20/ 15/ 15/ 15

Wednesday- Chest
Incline Cable Crossovers- 16/ 12/ 10/ 8
Dumbell Flat Bench Press- 8/ 6/ 4/ 2
Decline Dumbell Flyes-12/ 10/ 8/ failure

Thursday- Rest

Friday- Back/ Calves
Bent Over Barbell Rows- 20/ 12/ 10/ 8
Hyperextensions- 20/ 12/ 10 8
Close Grip Chins- 10/ 6/ 6
Seated Calf Raises- 20/ 15/ 15/ 15

Saturday- Triceps/ Biceps
Close Grip Presses- 16/ 12/ 10/ 8
Barbell Tricep Extensions- 16/ 12/ 10/ 8
Barbell Curls- 16/ 12/ 10/ 8
Barbell 21’s (2x)

Sunday- Chest
Flat Barbell Press- 8/ 6/ 4/ 2
Incline Press-8/ 6/ 4/ 2/
Decline Press-8/ 6/ 4/ 2
Machine Flyes-10/ 8/ 6/ 4/ 2

As for diet this is what I shoot for per day, usually not more than a 15% variance. 6 meals per day…

Protein -225 g
Carbohydrates-525 g
Fats-104 g
Total Calories-3750

[quote]makichan wrote:
Both, I have an answer to my question now you guys can go ahead and pick my skinny ass apart lol. Ive come a really long ways in a short amount time though… Id be happy to submit a before pic from a few months ago though if that will help.[/quote]

Well, no one feels like picking you apart because you seem rather humble. There are a lot of cocky guys that become offended if they dont get ‘ooohs and ahhhs’. You are in Iraq? What branch? Keep on lifting bud. you have years to develop.

Hey guys do you think I’m ready for a hardcore super-bulking diet?

I’d like to gain 50lbs.

Here is my picture as of now. Thoughts?