Re-visiting Layers

Hello CT - saw your comment in the hepburn thread and didn’t want to turn the thread into a detaield layers discussion but…wanted to see what/how you are implementing layers to your training this time.

I have included a strength “aux lift” done in either 3x8-10 or ramping 5x5 or 3-5x3 (like indigo strengths hfsw) at the start of a workout, prior to layering the “main movement”.

So like a front squat “practice”/ramp prior to the main bench layer. Or a pushpress practice prior to a sumo dead lift layer. Etc.

I have also added one or two assistance exercises (literals, various low CNS impact done for highe rvolume/pump).

Would you approve this approach? What you said in the other thread, something about layers doing concentrated work on one body part and MINIMIZING volume to others in one training session…would having some strength practice & assistance work negate this?

I find this very helpful to make the session more fun (doing one lift without any variation, especially after layering fo ryears can be a bit boring). ANd it is also a helpful way to get my lower body work in (since I don’t like to have a dedciatged back squat layer day for example. Would rather hit those through the strength practice & sGHP/deadlift layer days).

Just curious to hear how you are using layers this time around! Thank you!