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I found for strength Westside for skinny b*****ds was brilliant. Especially in terms of variety.

And for hypertrophy i like Chad Waterbury’s ‘harbinger hypertrophy’? i think that’s what it was called
anyway the one with a 5 rep, an 8 rep and a 12 rep day in the week.
I also made strength gains on this but more hypertrophy.

For hyperthrophy:

  • Waterbury’s TTT and TBT rating: 9/10
  • Charles Poliquins “standard” 3 day split, each muscle group trained every 5 day. rating: 7 / 10

On a fatloss diet:

  • 5 x 5 training - max 20 total sets, training mon, wed, fri. Basic excerices
    raing: 8/10

Maybe I try Don Alessimeltdown training on my next diet. I’m not sure if this is a good idea when following a lowcarbdiet…

Two best workouts I’ve tried are the German Volume Training and German Body Comp routines. They also work very well for me.